Hi everybody, I am currently working on a large scale project and I am looking for people to join and contribute with their ideas. Basically, the task is about designing a new electrical control system for heavy machines that are used in buildings (like escalators). The challenge is to come up with a system that should be very compact, 100% reliable with long operational life (10y +), and using advanced communication / sensor technologies (easy to upgrade for future technologies). Did you experience a similar challenge? We are consciously looking for passionate people from all kinds of backgrounds that have dealt with similar challenges and ideally found their own solutions. If you are interested to learn more about the project please send me an email (personal email) for more detailed information. Hope to hear from you! Thanks. Best regards
Sorry, I forgot to give you my personal email address :( veriatalon@gmail.com
sounds like re-inventing the wheel - no? What about Siemens SPS?
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