This may be a little off-topic, but I'm not sure where to start. I'm working on an ethernet-enabled embedded project that allows configuration via a few pushbuttons and a graphic LCD. The configuration includes username, password, IP addresses, paths, things like that. It's a little tedious to change these parameters on the device itself, but config changes are not required very often. Then I started thinking, wouldn't it be nice to point a web browser to it, get all the config parameters on one page where I could modify what I wanted, then press a button on the webpage that commits the changes? I'm proficient enough at TCP/IP and C programming, but know nothing about HTML, and don't care too much to learn all there is to know about HTML at this point. My guess is what I want to do is fairly easy. When I press this button, I want it to send all the text strings on the webpage back to the embedded system, where they could be parsed and taken care of. Does anyone know of an example I could use to get started?
CGI Programming is of no use to him He needs to have a small web server with the embedded application. Such as thing as this one. Adopting the software to your needs shouldn't be that big of a problem. After all a web server, simply spoken, is nothing more then an application which sends a text string through the network connection and receives strings through it. Rendering of text or user interface elements is done by the client. You just have to send the correct text.
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