
Forum: µC & Digital Electronics OpenHR20: Firmware for Honeywell Rondostat HR20E

von JanW (Guest)

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jiri, where do i find the "make" file? is it from avr studio or gcc? i 
only programmed with bascom till today.

von Jiri D. (jdobry)

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"make" is "GNU make" And it is added to winavr (not only)
It using "Makefile" to compile project.

von Justin M. (justin_m)

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Hi all,

I'm new here and want to control my home using the HR20-style and a 
simple and modified Moduline 15, to turn on and off the central heating 

I've (almost) read the entire thread, but still have some questions:
1. Have anybody used the HR20-Style instead of the 'old' HR20?
2. Does anybody know if the RFM12B works and if it's the same soldering? 
3. Is there some step by step manual how to do the complete 
modification? It's pretty hard to find  all the steps in this thread... 
If not, I will try to make one and ask for your verification.

Thanks in advance!

BTW There are a lot of posts about the master board. I use a lot of 
these: http://jeelabs.com/products/jeenode (Quite cheap and easy to use)


von jdobry (Guest)

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Justin M:

add 1) It is not confirmed. But it looks like same HW as HR20.

add 2) You can use RFM12B. Compare to RFM12 you can omit pullup on the 
FSK/DATA/nFFS pin. I have RFM12B also.

add 3) maybe later.

I know about http://jeelabs.com/products/jeenode It can be used as 
"master" in this application. But I use my own HW because jeenode does 
not support JTAG ICE to debug. Current SW is not Arduino compatible, 
this mean that you will need small modification in source code (pinouts 
and change mega 32 to mega328) and write it into this HW raw without 

von Justin M. (justin_m)

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Thanks for the quick reply!

1) I will order one and try and post my findings
2) Just SW wise I suppose?
3) I will work on this and post it back

By "Current SW is not Arduino compatible" you mean the Master side?
Because I have my own protocol for wireless transfer (For any type of 
device like lamps, switches, dimmers, temp sensors and so on), just have 
to change the slave source...

I ordered an AVR Programmer 
but that doesn't work?

von Justin M. (justin_m)

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Correction after checking the 'schaltplan':

2) Just SW wise I suppose?

should be

2) One less to solder ;-)

von jdobry (Guest)

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2) SW (rfmsrc) is same. You will have less soldering.

This programmer will work. But it allow only programing, no debug. And 
you will need use wires, because external connector not contain SPI but 
only JTAG.

For JTAG programming (HR20 connector)  you need JTAG AVR tool. Cheapest 
is this 
But it is clone of obsolete HW. This means, that support only "old 
school" AVRs. Ex: support mega169p used on HR20 but not almost same 
mega329 on HR25.

von Richard G. (gggggg)

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Justin: I use HR20 style home expert with jiris soft for about a year 
now. Electronics are 100% kompatible (I did not want to write "the same" 
because I never had the old hr20)

von Justin M. (justin_m)

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I also did a search for "AVR JTAG" on ebay, but I'm not sure if that's 
the right way to find the right programmer. Where to look for? Is this 
one also possible for example: 

von Justin M. (justin_m)

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Richard G. wrote:
> Justin: I use HR20 style home expert with jiris soft for about a year
> now. Electronics are 100% kompatible (I did not want to write "the same"
> because I never had the old hr20)

Thanks for your reply! I will also put this in the 'manual' ;-)

von Bruce A. (bruce_a)

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jdobry wrote:
> For JTAG programming (HR20 connector)  you need JTAG AVR tool. Cheapest
> is this
> But it is clone of obsolete HW. This means, that support only "old
> school" AVRs. Ex: support mega169p used on HR20 but not almost same
> mega329 on HR25.

I've modified a similar cheap JTAG programmer to allow it to program the 
329 used by the HR25. Obviously I didn't buy a Dragon due to my 
community spirit and not my cheapness. ;)

I've taken AVRminiProg and hacked it to use the serial port. The changes 
are truly awful but get the job done. It allows JTAG programming the 
HR25s in the same way as HR20s. The original ebay programmer I've got 
had unprotected code, allowing that to be read and flashed back to 
restore its former abilities. More details at 
. It may be a different one from the on Jiri posted, but likely similar 
at HW layer at least.


PS I was surprised the stick code was unprotected. I gave up trying to 
disassemble and change the code for the 329... perhaps others have more 
strength and/or better disassemblers.

von Flemming S. (flemming_s)

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Hi everybody,

I accidentally destroyed the temperature sensor on my HR20, can anybody 
on this list help me get the data for the sensor, so I can get a 

Thanks in advance.

von stan (Guest)

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Hi Flemming,

there is a document about the analysis of the HR20 hardware [1] which 
contains information about the AD converter input from the thermal 
resistor (table 9).

The thermal resistor is in series with R3, so it should be possible to 
calculate the data of the thermal resistor.


von Flemming S. (flemming_s)

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HI Stan,

Thanks. Based on the document I found the following:

The Analysis.pdf documents the sensor to be an NTC thermistor, and lists 
a lot of measurements at various temperatures.

From this I got the following:
25 degr.C = 397 counts, probably measured with a 10 bit ADC.
Supply to AVR: 3.3V
Thus, 397 counts equals 1.279 volt.

From the schematic and tracing the images of the board, I found:
The R3 SMD Resistor is marked 43C, suggests it's 27k4, 0.5%

Calculation: (See this as a simple schematic, top to button)
27k4 = 2.021V = 73.74uA
NTC = NTC Nom. calculated to 17k34

Closest match to the calculated NTC value seems to be Vashay/dale 
01M1752SPC3 or 01C1752SPC3, both have 17k5 as nominel value.

However, both are not easily available, and costs as much as a new HR20 
or HR25. :-(

von stan (Guest)

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Wow, a NTC for 25 EUR?

von Richard G. (gggggg)

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Jiri: If I want to increase p part, In which situation should I use p or 

von Flemming S. (flemming_s)

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Hi Stan,

Yes, almost that price (20 EUR without shipping).
But looking around I did find some cheaper alternatives, such as at 
Mauser, where the price goes down to only about US$ 5 (without 
shipping)... but the ETA lead time is at least 7 weeks.

I'm considering if it won't be quicker to use a more readily available 
(and cheaper) NTC and simply rewrite the conversion table. Well... time 
will tell...

von Bernard Kerckenaere (Guest)

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I've been trying to solve my problem with the support people of the ebay 
seller I got the programmer off (hongkong_electronics, they've all been 
extremely helpful and really friendly by the way, I'd strongly recommend 

There's one more question he'd like me to answer before he ships me a 
new programmer, to which I don't know the answer myself: "if your target 
board has set the JTAGEN fuse"

Is this something I would've needed to do myself, or would the HR20 have 
come with this fuse set?

Thanks for all the help!

von Bernard Kerckenaere (Guest)

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Ah, just to clarify, in order to make sure the problem isn't with 
avrdude, I've been trying to get my programmer to work using avrstudio 4 
on a windows xp virtual machine.

I know with avrdude I'm first supposed to set a fuse, but as far as I 
can tell, I can't set one with avrstudio until I've actually connected 
to the device first? (Which is the point where I'm getting the invalid 
device id error.)

Or is there something I could do in avrstudio before trying to connect?

von Marco G. (stan)

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Hi Bernard,

reading the device signature does definitely work without setting a fuse 
first. Surely JTAG is enabled in stock HR20.

von Justin M. (justin_m)

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Does anybody has any experience using AVR Studio 5? Version 4 can't be 
installed in Windows 7....

I would love to use a linux version (avr dude), but to make sure the 
fuses are right, I would like to set this in Windows first. (using the 
screen captures)

I found most settings in AVR Studio 5 to set the fuses and lock bits, 
but not the Advanced and Board settings. Maybe these are only available 
when the board is connected?

One other question:
Should the cable be connected like picture 904 or like 847?


von jdobry (Guest)

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Justin M.:

AVR JTAG cable can't be connected to HR20 directly. It have different 
pinout, therefore you need cable with special wiring. See to my previous 

About AVR Studio 5: By my mean it is worst decision from Atmel. It can't 
work with JTAGICE1. It is based on MSVisualStudio = vendor lock. Atmel 
buy key winavr developer to this project = factical end of winavr 

von jdobry (Guest)

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von Marco G. (stan)

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Justin M. wrote:
> Does anybody has any experience using AVR Studio 5? Version 4 can't be
> installed in Windows 7....

Hmm, I have AVR Studio 4.18 installed on Win7 32 bit, and I use an AVR 
Dragon for JTAG.

von Bruce A. (bruce_a)

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Has anyone already ported or have hints for porting the master code to a 
Nanode RF? (arduino (328p) + ethernet + RFM12b)

von Justin M. (justin_m)

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Marco G. wrote:
> Justin M. wrote:
>> Does anybody has any experience using AVR Studio 5? Version 4 can't be
>> installed in Windows 7....
> Hmm, I have AVR Studio 4.18 installed on Win7 32 bit, and I use an AVR
> Dragon for JTAG.

I've got it installed also. (Win7 64 bit)
You'll have to wait for ages, but it will finish in the end...

von Marco G. (stan)

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three days ago I flashed the last 3 HR20 with HW window detection, now 
all 6 valves use a reed contact. That works great :)

But 2 valves (Kinderzimmer + Schlafzimmer) now have problems to 
reach the wanted temp, see the attached pictures. Is that the same 
effect Richard has seen?
Wohnzimmer for example is working, even I flashed it the same day with 
same software and EEPROM.

Both failing valves have fresh batteries, and I tried to remount them 
several times. To which position do I have to turn the blue part before 
mounting? Near 0% or near 100%?

This is my setup:
#define CALIBRATION_RESETS_sumError 0

von Chris (Guest)

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I have the same problem like it can be seen in "Kinderzimmer.png". So I 
increased P_Factor (06) and P3_Factor (05) to both 0x50 and now I come 
close to wanted temperature. But of course there is much more vent 
movement and oscillating now, because a small change in temperature can 
case the vent to to a change of 30%...

What about the following idea: If temperature is far away from wanted 
temperatur (1 or 2 °C too high or too low) open or close valve 
completely to speed up heat up or cool down.


von Jiri D. (jdobry)

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"If temperature is far away from wanted temperatur"
It is exactly why we have "P3" regulator. In other words if we have 
difference 1 degree = 100 in 0.01 units.

impact = P*100 + P3*100*100*100 = P*100 + P3*1000000

P3 impact can be stopped by valve limitation very easily.

von Marco G. (stan)

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After rising the I_Part to 0x50 (might not need to be so high) it is 
fine :)

von Justin M. (justin_m)

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Can anyone confirm this wiring? (Well, drawing in the first place :-) ) 

von Bernard Kerckenaere (Guest)

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Just a short update.

I got the HR20 flashed. My problem was that the power supplied by the 
HR20's batteries was insufficient for the programmer. After hooking up 
the V+ of the programmer to an external lab power supply, all started 
working fine.

It still complains about the OCDEN fuse, and the verification still 
fails, but the HR20 is now running OpenHR20, so all is fine as far as 
I'm concerned :)

Thanks for all the help!

von Richard G. (gggggg)

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Jiri Dobry wrote:
> "If temperature is far away from wanted temperatur"
> It is exactly why we have "P3" regulator. In other words if we have
> difference 1 degree = 100 in 0.01 units.
> impact = P*100 + P3*100*100*100 = P*100 + P3*1000000
> P3 impact can be stopped by valve limitation very easily.

Sorry still do not catch it - If I want to increase p part, In which 
situation should I use p or p3

von Jiri D. (jdobry)

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P and P3 are used always. Difference is in dependency to error value 
(difference between wanted and real temp). P is linear, P3 is cubic.

von Jan W. (gaffel-k)

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hi at all,

i'm developing my own firmware for the HR20 and i have some questions 
about to save power.

my HR20 is currently running in POWERSAVE mode and it needs 330uA 
current. In POWERDOWN mode it will need 110uA but with LCD not working, 
it will work in POWERSAVE mode.

in which mode are you running the HR20? and do you have some ideas for 
me for to save more power?

thank you very much


von jdobry (Guest)

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Problem on power save / power down modes on HR20 is internal pull-ups. 
For encoder. It have 2 lines, and only one have external big pull-up. 
This line can be used as interrupt source. Second need pullup in MCU. 
But in must be enabled only during read. Otherwise depending to encoder 
position this pull-up it can have more current that complete MCU.
For sleep modes in source you can see to 
lines 136-145

It yse both modes idle/sleep dependig to situation. Sleep is prefferred, 
but for serial communication, high precision timer or AD conversion I 
need clock = Idle mode.

PS: why you will write complete new code? Current code is under GPL = 
you can use it and add what you need.

von Jan W. (gaffel-k)

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but with idle or sleep, the lcd dosn't work, damn.
but thank you for the tip to disable the pullups, and i made every 
unused input to an output, now i have a consumption of 283uA.

did you have measured yours HR20 current consumption?
and how do you initialize the lcd controller, like in the analysis of 
the HR20 document?

what interrupt do you use, to wake up the mega169. timer2?

PS: i write my own fw, because i have an existing system here in my 
house that consists of temp.sensors and an main-heater-ecu, which are 
using the rfm12 to communicate, and now i want to integrate the HR20 
into this system.

von jdobry (Guest)

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I have 30-40uA with LCD.
For wakeup I use T2 owerflow, T2 compare (for timers), pinchange from 
encoder and pinchange from buttons.

PS: You can use this code and rewrite only communication protocol. This 
project use rfm12b also.

von Jan W. (gaffel-k)

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but the problem is, i programm in bascom and i have no knowledge in 
programming in C.

and i've tested all powermodes, my min. consumption is 280uA. i use the 
timer2 overflow too for waking up the processor. but in powerdown mode, 
the timer is disabled, and for that, the processor didn't wake up from 

you have 30...40uA in powersave/idle mode???


von Jan W. (gaffel-k)

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good morning jdobry,

i have tested some different lcd-init.parameters, and i can decrease the 
consumption to 217uA, but it's still too much.

please, can you tell me which hardwaremodules you switch off? especialy 
the 3
V3-Pin (pine.6 from mega169). when i set this to logiclevel 0, the 
current is more than 18mA, only when i set it to logiclevel 1, there is 
minimum current.

i think, that the hardware arround the atmega causes the current 
problem. i have an other board, with attiny84 und rfm12, and this board 
current consumption is 5,6uA in sleep.

thank you,


von Jan W. (gaffel-k)

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So, i solved the problem. now i have a current consumtption of 36uA with 


von JanW (Guest)

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And i observed, that the new version of the hr20 (2.04) uses much less 
current than the older version. the same software runs on the new one 
with 15,6uA (instead the old one with 36uA)


von Ronny Kunze (Guest)

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@Marco G. (stan)
You posted on 2011-12-11 10:56 a part of a definition file.
There is an #define MENUES_AUTOBROWSE 1 which I could not not find 
anywhere. Is this your own extension ? Does it automatically scanning 
the menue ? If it is so , would you like to publish your changes ?


von Marco G. (stan)

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Hi Ronny,

yes it is my own extension, and yes, I wanted to browse through the 
temperatures and valve position automatically.
But no, it does not work :(

This is what I changed in menu.c, maybe you can check and correct it:
            && ! (((menu_state>=menu_home2) && (menu_state<=menu_home5)) || menu_state==menu_service_watch)
            && 1)    // (config.menues_autobrowse))
                if ((menu_state>=menu_home_no_alter) && (menu_state<=menu_home3))
                if (menu_state==menu_home4)
                    menu_state=menu_home; // return to main home screen
            ) {
                menu_state=menu_home; // return to main home screen

von dspix (Guest)

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This is a good project :)

I have a question : In the original firmware, it is possible to disable 
frost protection when the HR-20 is in OFF mode ?

thanks !

von Richard G. (gggggg)

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Jiri: If I use Rev364 I get this error:
avr-gcc -mmcu=atmega169p -I. -gdwarf-2 -DF_CPU=4000000UL            -Os -mcall-prologues -funsigned-char -funsigned-bitfields -fpack-struct -fshort-enums -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes -Wa,-adhlns=obj/motor.o  -std=gnu99 -ffreestanding  -Wl,--relax  -fdata-sect
ions -MMD -MP -MF .dep/hr20.elf.d obj/motor.o obj/controller.o obj/rs232_485_hw.o obj/watch.o obj/com.o obj/wireless.o obj/rfm.o obj/cmac.o obj/xtea-asm.o obj/rtc.o obj/main.o obj/keyboard.o obj/adc.o obj/eeprom.o obj/menu.o obj/lcd.o --output hr20.elf -Wl
,-Map=hr20.map,--cref     -lm
c:/programme/winavr20100110/bin/../lib/gcc/avr/4.3.3/../../../../avr/lib/avr5/crtm169p.o: In function `__vector_default':
(.vectors+0x38): relocation truncated to fit: R_AVR_13_PCREL against symbol `__vector_14' defined in .text section in obj/rs232_485_hw.o
make: *** [hr20.elf] Error 1
Build failed with 1 errors and 11 warnings...
when I use the old(R363) "rs232_485_hw.c, rs232_485.h" no error

von Wonko The Sane (Guest)

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I know this is not really the correct place to post this, but I have 
some information about the original software on the HR20

I have just got one of these unit, and found that it wont display the 
room temperature, just the set temp...

After browsing the net, I found the German instructions for the HR25

There seems to be a programming mode for some settings...

This is for the original software, and I don't know the version.

If you hold down the Prog Button for over 20 seconds
(Upto 3 seconds gets you into setting the programs times)
(Over 3 and less than 20 gives you the option to change the date...)

After 20 seconds it shows
01:00 with the 00 flashing
turning the knob lets you change it from 00 to 99

when you press Prog again it shows 02:00, then 03:00 then goes back to 
the normal display

A guess on the options are as follows

01 - enable / disable summertime (This is a guess)
02 - 00 = Normal, 01 = Valve position ?, 02 = Show room temp...
03 - Open Window detect options ?

All are normal set to 00

I have changed parameter 02 to Value 02 so it shows room temerature...

Have Fun...

    Regards Wonko The Sane...

von dspix (Guest)

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Wonko The Sane : Thanks for your answer.

Sorry if I haven't post in good section, but I'm french and don't speak 
german... The other sections are german spoken.

I will try to get a french or english version of the HR-25 instruction.

But, I'm interresting by the open firmware if I can't set the HR-20 to 
work as I want...


von Basti (Guest)

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just a info:

it seems that the master communication doesn't work in rev 364. i'm 
using a uart/usb converter (from elv based on CP2102) on rx/tx and my 
master board did not answer anything. with rev 362 (or version 1.0/rev. 
285) i have no problems.  rev 363 generates a compiling error when using 
'make all' on my system.

maybe the changes for the hr25 in common/rs232_485_hw.c are the reason. 
but it's to complex for me to understood or fix it.

hope that help.

thanks for this project!

von Basti (Guest)

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Hello again,

i've found a little error in com.c. The command (UART and RFM) for 
set/change the Mode compares the parameter with 1. That's a problem, 
because so it support only set/reset and not the other options like 

Here ist the Diff: The full file is attached.
--- .../com.c-revBASE.svn002.tmp.c  Mo 21. Mrz 22:58:53 2011
+++ .../rfmsrc/OpenHR20/com.c  So 12. Feb 16:21:13 2012
@@ -505,7 +505,7 @@
         case 'M':
             if (COM_hex_parse(1*2)!='\0') { break; }
-            CTL_change_mode(com_hex[0]==1);
+            CTL_change_mode(com_hex[0]);
         case 'A':
@@ -607,7 +607,7 @@
         case 'M':
-            CTL_change_mode(rfm_framebuf[pos++]==1);
+            CTL_change_mode(rfm_framebuf[pos++]);
         case 'A':

I've also implement a little feature inspired by ELVs FHT80b:
Rolling throu the timers temperatures (night, day, comfort) with the 
The info-display-function is now available via the Prog-Key.

Here's the diff. The full file (Menu.c) is attached.
--- .../menu.-revBASE.svn002.tmp.c  Mo 21. Mrz 16:18:05 2011
+++ .../rfmsrc/OpenHR20/menu.c  So 12. Feb 15:24:32 2012
@@ -243,6 +243,18 @@
     case menu_home5:        // alternate version, battery    
         if ( kb_events & KB_EVENT_C ) {
+      if( CTL_temp_wanted == temperature_table[3] )    // super-comfort > night
+        CTL_set_temp( temperature_table[1] );
+      else if( CTL_temp_wanted == temperature_table[2] )  // comfort > super-comfort
+        CTL_set_temp( temperature_table[3] );
+      else                        // rest > comfort
+        CTL_set_temp( temperature_table[2] );
+      menu_state = menu_home_no_alter;
+    }
+    else if ( kb_events & KB_EVENT_PROG )
+    {
             menu_state++;       // go to next alternate home screen
             if (menu_state > menu_home5) menu_state=menu_home;

And of course the the settings-define in Config.h
    #define MENU_SHOW_BATTERY 1
+ #endif


von Basti (Guest)

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Hello again ;-)

i've extend the master to read temps from ds18[x]20/22 sensors from 

It's based on this great work by Martin Thomas: 

I've added some files to the master source (in a seperate directory 
'ds18x20') and extend the com.c file to include the files and added a 
new Command 'X'. It's a little bit dirty, but i want to make as few 
changes as possible to the existing code.

To connect the sensors i use the free PA0-Pin on the ATmega32. The 
library supports DS18S20/DS1820, DS18B20 and DS1822 with parasite or 
externally power supply.

There is a new command in the master-protocoll 'Xhh' where xx stands for 
the Sensor ID as hex.

To init the sensors and get a list of all available type 'X00'. The 
master will answer 'X00' if there is no sensor found, 'Xff' is something 
goes wrong or Xhh for each sensor that was found. After Xhh you can see 
Name/Type, Power and ID of the sensor.

To retrieve a temp, type Xhh where hh stands for one of the founded 
sensors. The Answer is 'Xhh T:+nnnn'. The temp-format is like the 
typical master/OpenHR20 format: temp * 100.


> X00
< X01 N:DS18S20/DS1820 P:Externally I:1051d3250208003a

> X01
< X01 T:+2120

That's all. The added zip file contains all new files and the changed 


von Basti (Guest)

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Hello again,

in rfmsrc/master/com.c at line 450-460 is a case statement for command 
'L' (KeyLock) missing. It should be near the statements for M, A, T, G 
or R where len is set to 1.

Without this, the L-Command doesn't work via RFM.

BTW: V has also no case-statement. But this is not a problem because 
len=0 is default. But than the case-statement for D is unnecessary...


PS: there is still someone who works on this project? or at least it 

von Marco G. (stan)

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Basti wrote:

> PS: there is still someone who works on this project? or at least it
> used?

I am using it on 6 HR20, 5 of them with HW window detection (magnet 
contact at the window). Master HW is attached to a FritzBox 7270v3 and 
running fine, since AVM has updated the USB stack in FritzBox firmware 

Btw, I found out that even if the HW window detection says that the 
window is open, the heating starts again after about 30-60 minutes. Is 
that timeout intended?

von jdobry (Guest)

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Hi I am still using this code on 5 valves + master. And I have many 
plans to improve it. But now I am overloaded with other high priority 

@Basti: Your patch looks ok. If you witch to have write access to code, 
send me email with your sourceforge account name. ("M" command has idea 
to support only on/offf, but now is not reason to limit it)

von Richard G. (gggggg)

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sure I do use 4 HR20 with R364 and having some trouble with make/compile 
of R364 ... see some posts above. I wrote theese extensions:

von Richard G. (gggggg)

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Usally I have those Options set:

If I run MakeAll without any of theese Options mentioned above (e.g. 
with R364 makefile) this happens:
avr-gcc -mmcu=atmega169p -I. -gdwarf-2 -DF_CPU=4000000UL
-Os -mcall-prologues -funsigned-char -funsigned-bitfields
-fpack-struct -fshort-enums -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes
-Wa,-adhlns=obj/motor.o  -std=gnu99 -ffreestanding  -Wl,--relax
ions -MMD -MP -MF .dep/hr20.elf.d obj/motor.o obj/controller.o
obj/rs232_485_hw.o obj/watch.o obj/com.o obj/wireless.o obj/rfm.o
obj/cmac.o obj/xtea-asm.o obj/rtc.o obj/main.o obj/keyboard.o
obj/adc.o obj/eeprom.o obj/menu.o obj/lcd.o --output hr20.elf -Wl
,-Map=hr20.map,--cref     -lm
In function `__vector_default':
(.vectors+0x38): relocation truncated to fit: R_AVR_13_PCREL against
symbol `__vector_14' defined in .text section in obj/rs232_485_hw.o
make: *** [hr20.elf] Error 1
Build failed with 1 errors and 0 warnings...

But as I said, when I use the old rs232 routines (from common)
everything compiles fine.

It may also be a linker/compiler prob. Because if I set controller.c 
line 185 as a coment:
//                      CTL_temp_wanted_last=temp;
everything works fine too ...

von Basti (Guest)

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nice to read that some are still active.


If you want, i would like to patch some of the things i've found. And if 
it's ok for you, i will add the new features i've created with #defines 
to enable/disable them. The change of the C-Key i would disable per 
default while the new X-Command for external Temp-Sensors for the Master 
i would enable per default because it changes nothing if you don't use 

i'm currently working on a HR20-Server running on Windows developed with 
C# in .NET (so it's maybe possible to run it under Linux with Mono). The 
Server communicates with the master and has a built-in http-server for 
some web-pages to control, analyse (already working) and configure 
(todo) the HR20s.

I plan to share it and it would be great, if there was some space 
(around 400-500 kb) for this under the rfmsrc- or Tools-Directory.

@Richard / @All:

I'm unable to compile Rev. 363. and with Rev. 364 the master don't work. 
I've spend a little time, but what i've checked was very strange.

Rev. 363 give some compiler errors on places, where nothing in Rev. 364 
was changed. But Rev. 364 compiles without errors.

Maybe diffrent gcc- or avr-lib-versions are the problem. Maybe the 
changed make-files.

If i find some kind of motivation, i will analyse this... currently i'm 
happy with Rev. 362.


von jdobry (Guest)

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Problem on compilation can be caused by jump/call instructions size. See 
to makefile, it is optimized to prefer short versions to fit it into 
small flash. I have not problem with compilation, I am not abble repeat 
this on avr-gcc/linux

@Basti: why .NET? In relity you need 24hours switched on computer. 
Teoreticaly it can be virtual computer on cloud.
PS: I kick off MS from my house and I am happy. And mono have usualy 
problem with some .NET features.

von Basti (Guest)

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I love .NET. That's the reason. And there is already a 24h running 
win-pc here for TV-Recording and other server function like E-Mail, svn, 

I've just read that Mono doesn't support the EnityFramework i've uses to 
access a SQLite-Database via Linq. Curious, that Mono supports Linq to 
MS-SQL-Server but not via the DB-independet EnityFramework. I should 
seperate the DB-Access in a Backend-Class and create a variant with easy 

As far as i see, there are no other features i've uses, that mono 
doesn't support.

If there is interest, i try to keep the server mono compatible.

von jdobry (Guest)

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If you have problem with compilation 364 on winavr 20100110 please move 
rs232_485_hw.c to second source group. Problem is caused by size 
optimalization and winavr. In Makefile, please make change like this:
SRC =  \
    motor.c \
    controller.c \
    watch.c \
    com.c \
    wireless.c \
    rfm.c \
    cmac.c \
SRC_B =  \
    rtc.c \
    main.c \
    keyboard.c \
    adc.c \
    eeprom.c \
    menu.c \
    lcd.c \
    rs232_485_hw.c \

von Marco G. (stan)

Attached files:

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Marco G. wrote:

> Btw, I found out that even if the HW window detection says that the
> window is open, the heating starts again after about 30-60 minutes. Is
> that timeout intended?

That's the screenshot.

von Chris (Guest)

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I'm using it too, on 7 rondostates. However, I do not use the master 
board because I have my own control connected to the rondostats (rs232). 
I take wantet and real temperature and vent position to control central 
heating temperature.

von jdobry (Guest)

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@Marco G.: 2012-02-18 12:52
See too real temperature curve. Valve not allow go under 5C, it is frost 

von Marco G. (stan)

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Good point, I didn't see that.
But the frost protection exits the window open mode, and even if the 
window is still open, the heating tries to reach the wanted temperature 
and wastes the energy.

If the temperature here drops again (at the moment it's +5°C), I will 
try to add a timeout (30 minutes?) for the  window open mode, until 
that timeout the frost protection is disabled.

von jdobry (Guest)

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@Marco G: valve not trying keep preset temperature, but only 5C.
Add some delay time to start frost protection is good idea.

von Ronny K. (Company: Sinus Messtechnik GmbH) (rising_edge)

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I use this project too . In my configuration there are 3 HR20 and the 
Master based on the PCB from Marco (stan) . I have added an Humidity 
Sensor and a barometric pressure sensor to my master.
I have played a littlebit whit the onewire extensions and i think it is 
a good idea. But it is not the the right place in the communication 
routine because the conversion take a really long time(max 750ms). And 
this will break the timing for the communication whit the HR20 from time 
to time and this will lead to an higher current consumption because they 
must retransmit the corrupted message. A better approach is to use an 
own thread in the scheduler and a interrupt driven communication with 
the onewire devices. The communication part should only en-queue the 
order. Maybe it is not necessary to use an interrupt driven 
communication.But at the conversion it should not block the execution.



von Basti (Guest)

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i full agree with you.

But i implement it this way because of 3 reasons:
- I want to make as few changes as possible (for example: i've embed the 
lib-files via #include to aviod changing the makefile). It's also easy 
to put the full extension in #defines.
- The 'right' way is much more work. I use the DS18x20 Lib as a 
black-box and don't understood what's going on behind.
- In practice it works for me :-)

My Server query the sensor after the N1? request. And the query rotates 
between the max. 5 sensors so i've got a value every 5 minutes. That's 
give good results in combination with the HR20-Status (every 4 minutes i 

ASAIK N1? is send on second 29 and the next possible device-query is on 
second 30. So after N1? there should be one second without anything to 
do for the master.


von micahed (Guest)

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Has anybody used a RS485 network with the openhr20 firmware ? I have 
cat5 at every radiator valve so would prefer to use cables rather than 
RF modules.



von Richard G. (gggggg)

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@basti/jiri: Who is going to make revision 365 ?

I would like to send my changes regarding the options (written by me) 
and controller.c

von Basti (Guest)

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> @basti/jiri: Who is going to make revision 365 ?

i'm not sure what you mean. i've just submit 2 small fixes (revision 
365) and not planning any more changes. And Revision 366 (a makefile-fix 
by dobryj) is also already exist.

von Richard G. (gggggg)

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OK. I didnt look into SVN before posting ... can I send the changes to 
you then (mailadr.?) ?

von Richard G. (gggggg)

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BTW: I jus tried 366 - moving the rs232 routines fixed my building issue 

@basti: Maybe I did not communicate very well ...
I have improoved the code from the options mentioned above and need 
somebody to check them into SVN ... pls send me your mailadr via PN ...

von Basti (Guest)

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Sorry, no. Please ask the admins of this project 
(http://sourceforge.net/projects/openhr20/). Or maybe just post your 
code here, like i do with my extensions.

von Richard G. (gggggg)

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@Jiri: Would you please add me to the members list of the project, so I 
can add my changes ..

von Philipp (Guest)

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is there any recent status roundup on the project?
I am interested, but currently not willing to read through this huge 
thread. Also, 
seems a bit outdated, isn't it?

Of course, I am especially curious about features the firmware offers 
right now.
What are the best/cheapest options for wireless interfaces? RFM12? What 
do i need for a wireless master board?

It would be great, if someone provides a current kickstart into the 


von Bruce A. (bruce_a)

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I've got a master up and running on both a mega16/32 10MHz (random ebay) 
and a Nanode RFX/Wi-Node 16MHz (www.nanode.biz). Both use the RFM12B, 
but I can't get it to run at 19200 baud reliably, even side by side. It 
only seems to work properly at 9600 baud. Has anyone else experienced 
this, i.e. is this a known difference with the RFM12B?

von Dermot D. (Company: na) (dermotx)

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I'm new to the Rondostat HR 20 and I just took my first one apart today. 
The chip is the ATMEL MEGA 169PV. I hope this isn't off topic.
My question is this: When the timer calls for the Rondostat to be turned 
ON, which pin on the ATMEL goes high? My idea is to disconnect this pin 
and supply externally my own timer voltage so I can turn the Rondostat 
on independently of the Rondostat timer. Is this feasible and if so do I 
tie the pin high or low with a resistor or just leave it floating?

Thank you in advance if you can help.



von Dermot D. (Company: na) (dermotx)

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I've just got hold of the schematic and can now see that it appears that 
pins 18 and 19 control the motor through a H bridge. The output from the 
timer is internal and I won't be able to isolate it.

Just one final question: Does anybody know what type of 
Reflexlichtschranke (Optical transistor switch?)is used?



von Marco G. (stan)

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why would you add something externally? You can change the firmware 
yourself and adapt it to your needs :)

von Ronny K. (Company: Sinus Messtechnik GmbH) (rising_edge)

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Hello Dermont,

Like Marco say there is no need to control the Valve directly. The HR20 
is more than a stupid Valve. It is a PID-controller. If you really need 
only a dumb Valve , there are so cheaper device on the Market. A better 
approach will be to control the device via a pin on the side programming 
connector. This will need a little bit work on the firmware but much 
lesser than your approach required.

Maybe some of this valve are an solution for you : 


von Dermot D. (Company: na) (dermotx)

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Thanks for the comments Marco and Ronny.

I appreciate what you say about adapting the firmware but I'm afraid the 
learning curve for me would be far too steep. I have no background in 
electronics or programming. I have a little experience with PICAXE 
projects and PIC Basic.

I looked at the simple valves but they are all mains AC operated and 
much more expensive than the Rondostat, which I like because of the 3V 
battery supply.

What I intend to do is to disable the Amtel chip by cutting the 
connection to pin 21 and just use the H bridge, to actuate the motor, 
and the opto reflector (IC2)on the PCB and connect them externally to a 
PICAXE chip.

Do either of you know why IC2 is connected to 3 pins on the Atmel chip 
and what are the resistors R12, R13 and R14 for? I would have thought 
that just one output from IC2 was necessary to connect to an ADC pin. I 
don't know exactly what the spec of IC2 is, does anybody know what it 
is? My understanding of these opto reflectors is that when they are 
positioned near a black surface they output say 3v and when positioned 
near a reflective surface they output a much lesser voltage (or is it 
the other way around?). All you have to do then is feed this output to 
the ADC of a suitable PIC and you can control how your motor stops and 

Once I have that accomplished I will attach an electronic timer, taken 
from an electric socket timer, to my PICAXE and I will then be able to 
control the Rondostat as precisely as I want.

Thanks again for you comments.



von Ronny K. (Company: Sinus Messtechnik GmbH) (rising_edge)

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Hello Dermont,

Maybe another aproach for you is to use the serial Interface of the 
HR20. You can use your PICACE to send commands to the valve. For example 
you can use it to set manualy at high or a low temperatur so the valve 
will open and close.
But you should beware of problems with the powerconsumption. Bad 
Software will leak many energy and your batterys are realy fast empty. 
Designing software which realy saves energy is not a simple thing.



von Dermot D. (Company: na) (dermotx)

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Thanks for the advice Ronny.

By the way I think I've found the spec for IC2. It seems to be a 
Kingbright Sub-miniature photoreflective sensor. See spec at 



von Veit K. (veitchen)

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i successfully flashed a hr-20 with the software from the svn.

now i connected my pc through serial port, using hterm.
if i put in the batteries i only see rubish.

i tried to send commands like ?BATT and CR, but no response.

my serial port is a usb cable, i have lowered tx voltage through two 
resistors. rx is directly connected.

9600baud, 1 stop bit, no parity.

any hints? thx!

von Ronny K. (Company: Sinus Messtechnik GmbH) (rising_edge)

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what kind of data did you see. I am not sure, but i think the protocol 
has changed to an other version since a while.
Which version did you compile (from rfmsource path)? The only occurrence 
of such am command i found is in a really old version in 
openhr20/branches/before_refactoring_1/source/ .

Maybe you see some data like this in the API-spec from the HR20 article 
on mikrocontroller.net ( 



von Veit K. (veitchen)

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i did the svn checkout. but i didn´t use the rfm source.
i receive some data after inserting the batteries, i can post the data 
in the evening.

i also tried some commands from the article ...

von Veit K. (veitchen)

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i downloaded the code from the website - it´s totally different to the 
stuff in the svn ...

von Veit K. (veitchen)

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so, i flashed the .elf from the original folder.

now after inserting the batteries there is a bunch of bytes received

170 177 125 053 035 111 091 155 159 191 115 053 059 191 155 159 157 157 
191 159 157 139 153 143 139 .....

display shows version 1.0 (last time it said 0.99)

any hints? baudrate 9600 stop1 no parity

is the voltage level to low for the rx?

von Bruce A. (bruce_a)

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I'm using the frontend/tools/*.php. On upgrading to ubuntu 12.04, the 
trick of using sqlite.so from an older ubuntu version stopped working. 
To use php5-sqlite, I've changed:

sed -i -e 's/fetch/fetchArray/g' *.php
sed -i -e 's/SQLiteDatabase/SQLite3/g' *.php

I converted over my old db with (and renamed etc.):
sqlite db.sqlite .dump | sqlite3 db.3.sqlite

It seems to work again. :)

Also, not that it makes much odds, I've also done this to daemon.php - 
hopefully this is correct?
       fwrite($fp,$date); fwrite($fp,$time);  // was other way around

von jdobry (Guest)

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Veit K.: do you use serial level converter or USB with 3V3 in/out?
Serial line use text protocol.

von Veit K. (veitchen)

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i use a 5V serial port but i transformed the tx with two resistors. the 
rx is not amplified which is usually not a problem.

i receive data after switch on and after a minute or so, but it doesn´t 
send any replies if i send commands.

i´m still not sure which commands to send. maybe i plug in a rfm device 

i just need it to work for a demonstration :(

(anyone from munich here?)

von Ronny K. (Company: Sinus Messtechnik GmbH) (rising_edge)

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Hello ,

Did you try to simply loopback TX to RX to see if your converter is 
really working.

Here is the Message that is send if you put in the batteries :
"V:OpenHR20rfm 1.1 Jan 27 2012 15:35:43" (similar).

@Jiri : Could a wrong FUSES Setting lead to this problem ? (Clock 

von Veit K. (veitchen)

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>>Did you try to simply loopback TX to RX to see if your converter is
really working.

i tried that, but before the converter - i´ll try this in the evening, 

fuses should be ok, first i set them manually, last try i used the .elf 
file. but i will also check the fuses later.


von Dermot (Guest)

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Hi Ronny,

You say: "You can use your PICACE to send commands to the valve. For 
you can use it to set manualy at high or a low temperatur so the valve
will open and close."

Could you explain briefly how I would do this?
Also do you or anybody else know precisely how the travel of the pin to 
controll the valve is accomplished? I know the photoreflective sensor 
(IC2)sends pulses to IC1 as the gear with the reflective surfaces turns. 
I presume IC1 counts the number of pulses and when the number of pulses 
gets lower, as the motor is under strain, IC1 cuts the power to the 
motor. Does it work this way? Thanks in advance.



von Björn B. (elmo)

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I'm using the latest version from SVN and had some problems with serial 
communication. It was absolutely unreliable so I took a look at the 
code. I found that the UART RX interrupt gets disabled after one 
received byte (rs232_485_hw.c) and gets re-enabled some time later 
(motor.c: RS_enable_rx()).
After uncommenting the deactivation of RXEN, my communication went fine.

My question: why gets the RX interrupt disabled? Battery-saving reasons, 
especially with unconnected UART pins?


von jdobry (Guest)

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RX is disabled to save battery. RX block MCU sleep mode.

motor.c contain "pin change" function for RX signal and activate 
receiver only when data comming.

It usualy works fine. Common problem on some valves is bad value in RC 
oscilator calibration value. (serial line use main RC clock). I has idea 
to calibrate this by 32kHz xtal, but we have serious problem with flash 

von Mr. E. (mistere)

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Hi all,

I have aquired a number of Aldi Thermy thermostats, also know as / 
similar to Eurotronic Sparmatic Basic/Comet/Zero.
These have been discussed since 2010, the most current thread is 
Beitrag "Entwicklungen und Forschung um den Sparmatic Comet / Zero v2 Heizungsthermostat"
Several people have started working on firmware for these devices, but 
only travelrec seems to have something usable so far, written in ASM.
For some reason, the connection to OpenHR20 has not really been made, 
despite all the interest shown.

Since I just today came across a note stating that there has in fact 
been support for the Basic for a couple of months, I was wondering if 
anyone could summarize what the project is featuring, as the wiki page 
is hopelessly outdated. I believe there is support for RFM12 radios, 
master thermostats, a base station and PHP code for a web server?

von Ato (Guest)

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i downloaded source code from the website and flashed the .elf from the 
original folder through JTAG- Interface with AVR Dragon and Atmel Studio 
6 but after flashing the message "EEPr" appears on LCD.

When i try to burn .epp file now this message "Verifying 
EEPROM...Failed! address=0x0003 expected=0x10 actual=0x00" appear.

Chip is ATmega169P. Can anybody help me to fix this problem? Thanks

von jdobry (Guest)

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You must disable fuse for "preserve EEPROM" before programming.

von michal (Guest)

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Thanks for this great project!

I started from programming via ISP my orginal HR20 using precompiled hex 
from http://openhr20.sourceforge.net/ and avrdude. I used flags and 
command as I found in this thread:

avrdude -p m169 -c usbasp -U hfuse:w:0x99:m
avrdude -p m169 -c usbasp -e -U flash:w:hr20.hex -U eeprom:w:hr20.eep -U 

everything went OK and I have OpenHR20 on my valve. I played with it for 
a while via RS232 and started to build Master board. I ordered RFM12B 
433MHz modules. Is it OK? What fuses I should set to Atmega32A via 
avrdude when programing? Should I change something to get it to work 
with 433MHz? Could you give me complete avrdude command for programming? 
As far as I understand Atmega uses XTAL from RFM12B as oscillator, so I 
think that flags should be set in some special way.


von michal (Guest)

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Ok, I search a bit more and found that I should change in common/rfm.c 

RFM_CONFIG_BAND_868 to 433
RFM_CONFIG_X_12_0pf to 12_5pf
RFM_FREQ_868Band(868.35) to 433.35

and recompile and set fuse bits to lfuse: 0xa0 hfuse: 0x91.

Is it enough?

Also I have problem with programming master.hex with avrdude:

avrdude: input file master.hex auto detected as Intel Hex
avrdude: ERROR: address 0x820002 out of range at line 455 of master.hex
avrdude: write to file 'master.hex' failed

what is wrong? Valves programs OK.

von Anonym (Guest)

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> Also I have problem with programming master.hex with avrdude:

> avrdude: input file master.hex auto detected as Intel Hex
> avrdude: ERROR: address 0x820002 out of range at line 455 of master.hex
> avrdude: write to file 'master.hex' failed

> what is wrong? Valves programs OK.
Your flash memory is to small. (Or your program to big.)
Try diffrent compiler stettings (-Os instead of -O2 e.g.)


von michal (Guest)

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Thanks, but master.txt says:

AVR Memory Usage
Device: atmega32

Program:    7236 bytes (22.1% Full)
(.text + .data + .bootloader)

Data:       1166 bytes (56.9% Full)
(.data + .bss + .noinit)

EEPROM:       96 bytes (9.4% Full)

and yes, I have Atmega32A

von Phil Jones (Guest)

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Does anyone know whether the Honeywell Homexpert "HR20-Style" valve ( 
) is internally equivalent to the HR20? Really I wanted to know whether 
it will work with the same firmware before I buy one to find out.

von Marko B. (markob)

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michal wrote:
> Also I have problem with programming master.hex with avrdude:
> avrdude: input file master.hex auto detected as Intel Hex
> avrdude: ERROR: address 0x820002 out of range at line 455 of master.hex
> avrdude: write to file 'master.hex' failed
> what is wrong? Valves programs OK.

avrdude doesn't support flash+fuse writing with one .hex file 
So you have to disable folling lines in rfmsrc/master/main.c

// default fuses for ELF file

    .low = 0xA0,
    .high = 0x91,

You should write flash with hex file and eeprom with eep file in 
avrdude. Fuses should be set separate with avrdude.

fuse offsets
0x820000 LFUSE
0x820001 HFUSE
0x820002 EFUSE

von Marko B. (markob)

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hfuse      0x820000
lfuse      0x820001
efuse/fuse 0x820002
lock       0x820003

von Phil Jones (Guest)

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Replying to my own question as I found it had already been answered 
earlier in the thread. The answer seems to be that the Homexpert device 
can also use the OpenHR20 firmware.

von Star K. (starkeeper)

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I try to compile the RFM branch software and got stuck in the linker 
with the following problem:
Error  17      Program Memory Usage   :  15589 bytes   95,1 % Full
        Data Memory Usage     :  1088 bytes   106,3 % Full  (Memory 
        EEPROM Memory Usage   :  400 bytes   78,1 % Full  OpenHR20-RFM 
0  0  OpenHR20-RFM

How are you able to compile the software?
I took AtmelStudio 6 and added the source files from the SVN. In the 
compile and linker settings I have added the optimization settings like 
in the makefile.

What else will I have to configure to get my binary?

von jdobry (Guest)

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Please use recomended compiler (WinAVR-20071221 or WinAVR-20100110) or 
disable some unused parts.
PS: I will not support AvrStudio >= 5. I would like to see another 
future that this avrstudio way after 4.

von Star K. (starkeeper)

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Alright I will try it with the WinAVR-20100110 IDE this afternoon. Is 
this described anywhere, which IDE has to be used?

What is the current usage of RAM/ROM when using the stated version?

von Tomas K. (kicker)

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I am new to OpenHR20, but I really appreciate what you have done so far 
I have bought couple of HR25 (to get bigger flash :-) ) and now I would 
like to connect RFM12B to make them wireless. I can't use the HR20 
internal connection, as the PA3/COM3 pin is taken by the new LCD, so I 
am looking for alternatives.
I was thinking about using the external pinout, but I was wondering, 
will the JTAG interface be still usable with RFM12B connected? It looks 
like the RFM pins are tri-state when the chip-select is not active, am I 

von jdobry (Guest)

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You are able to use JTAG pins to RFM connection. But JTAG is dasabled in 
this case.
SDO signal from RFM must be on interrupt input. I am using trick to save 
one wire. CS signal is active without clock -> SDO signal is bit 15 of 
status and can be used for MCU wakeup.
Except this limitations you can use any pin of MCU.

von Tomas K. (kicker)

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Thanks for the quick response. I understand I can use JTAG pins (when 
JTAG is disabled) for RFM communication. My question was if it is 
possible to use JTAG also for debugging (firmware flashing, development 
and testing) with RFM connected (without debugging RFM communication of 
The CS signal then would have to be on PE2 instead of TMS. But if it is 
active without clock, then this won't work, right?
I really don't want to loose JTAG by soldering RFM (at least not yet), 
so I would probably have to go for the internal wiring with PA3/COM3 
replaced by PE2...

von jdobry (Guest)

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PE2 is used for SDO because it support "on change" interrupt.
Current "JTAG-RFM" wiring is for external HW. I don't know whats happen, 
when you connect RFM and JTAG together. Programming will work, RFM can 
be confused till next power-on.

von Tomas K. (kicker)

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OK, thank you for your help. So this does not look like a good solution.

Another idea :-).
CS (nSEL) of RFM12 connected internally to PF0 with added external 
pull-up to 3.3V. During reset state, PF0 should be tri-state, so with 
the pull-up, RFM should be inactive. Only with PF0 asserted low, RFM is 
Then SDI of RFM can be connected to TDI/PF7. SDO can stay on PE6 with 
interrupt capability.
This way, JTAG should be fully working (except when PF0 is low), and RFM 
too (without JTAG).

Does this make sense? :-)

von jdobry (Guest)

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It sounds good.
Another way could be use PE5 and/or PE7. But it must be disconnected 
from GND and it is possible only with removed MCU (hard and risky job)

von Tomas K. (kicker)

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Yes, I was thinking about that too, maybe lifting the MCU pins from the 
board? But I don't think I am able to do that, too risky. These too pins 
are such a waste, damned Honeywell ;-).

von Jiri D. (jdobry)

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Lifting MCU pins is impossible. It use "QFN package" :-(

von Niels R. (niels_r)

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I've just picked up 3 Honeywell Rondostat HR-20 thermostats which I 
would like to put OpenHR20 on it. And I've read to most of this thread 
and used Google Translate to read the wiki page about OpenHR20.

Since I'm not an electronics expert I'm a bit stuck with how to flash 
the HR20.

As soon as I get the basics under the belt I'm going to try and adapt 
the HR20 to connect to my PLC installation that controls the lightning 

Can someone help me out so I can get started? What hardware do I need? 
What software do I need? Which pre-compiled file can I use to flash a 
stock HR20?

I'm on Mac, Windows or Linux (although prefer either Mac or Linux). I 
have some basic electronics equipment (FDTI breakout board / Bus Pirate 
v3) I used for Arduino tinkering.

Am I correct to assume that I can use the Bus Pirate with avrdude to 
flash the HR20?

Kind regards,
Niels R.

von michal (Guest)

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After short fight I got my setup working ;) HR20 with external RFM20B 
connected and debian linux serving daemon and www. Everything seems to 
work fine, but I have many errors in apache:

[Fri Nov 09 10:57:53 2012] [error] [client] PHP Notice: 
Undefined variable: trace_layout_ids_double in 
/var/www/ogrzewanie/contend/trace.php on line 19, referer: 
[Fri Nov 09 10:57:53 2012] [error] [client] PHP Notice: 
Undefined variable: trace_layout_ids_double in 
/var/www/ogrzewanie/contend/trace.php on line 21, referer: 

[Fri Nov 09 11:07:28 2012] [error] [client] PHP Notice: 
Undefined index: type in /var/www/ogrzewanie/contend/status.php on line 
10, referer: hllp://
[Fri Nov 09 11:07:28 2012] [error] [client] PHP Notice: 
Undefined index: type in /var/www/ogrzewanie/contend/status.php on line 
31, referer: hllp://
[Fri Nov 09 11:07:33 2012] [error] [client] PHP Notice: 
Undefined index: limit in /var/www/ogrzewanie/contend/history.php on 
line 8, referer: hllp://

[Fri Nov 09 11:07:33 2012] [error] [client] PHP Notice: 
Undefined index: offset in /var/www/ogrzewanie/contend/history.php on 
line 10, referer: hllp://
[Fri Nov 09 11:07:37 2012] [error] [client] PHP Warning: 
include(trace_layouts/85.php): failed to open stream: No such file or 
directory in /var/www/ogrzewanie/contend/trace.php on line 11, referer: 
[Fri Nov 09 11:07:37 2012] [error] [client] PHP Warning: 
include(): Failed opening 'trace_layouts/85.php' for inclusion 
(include_path='.:/usr/share/php:/usr/share/pear') in 
/var/www/ogrzewanie/contend/trace.php on line 11, referer: 
[Fri Nov 09 11:07:37 2012] [error] [client] PHP Notice: 
Undefined variable: trace_layout_ids_double in 
/var/www/ogrzewanie/contend/trace.php on line 19, referer: 
[Fri Nov 09 11:07:37 2012] [error] [client] PHP Notice: 
Undefined variable: trace_layout_ids_double in 
/var/www/ogrzewanie/contend/trace.php on line 21, referer: 

[Fri Nov 09 11:07:38 2012] [error] [client] PHP Notice: 
Undefined index: read_timers in /var/www/ogrzewanie/contend/queue.php on 
line 33, referer: hllp://
[Fri Nov 09 11:07:38 2012] [error] [client] PHP Notice: 
Undefined index: read_eeprom in /var/www/ogrzewanie/contend/queue.php on 
line 41, referer: hllp://
[Fri Nov 09 11:07:38 2012] [error] [client] PHP Notice: 
Undefined index: read_trace in /var/www/ogrzewanie/contend/queue.php on 
line 48, referer: hllp://
[Fri Nov 09 11:07:38 2012] [error] [client] PHP Notice: 
Undefined index: read_info in /var/www/ogrzewanie/contend/queue.php on 
line 55, referer: hllp://
[Fri Nov 09 11:07:39 2012] [error] [client] PHP Notice: 
Undefined index: limit in /var/www/ogrzewanie/contend/debug_log.php on 
line 8, referer: hllp://
[Fri Nov 09 11:07:39 2012] [error] [client] PHP Notice: 
Undefined index: offset in /var/www/ogrzewanie/contend/debug_log.php on 
line 10, referer: hllp://
[Fri Nov 09 11:07:40 2012] [error] [client] PHP Notice: 
Undefined index: delete_id in 
/var/www/ogrzewanie/contend/raw_command_queue.php on line 10, referer: 

Also it looks, that trace layout should be 85.php, but files ends on 

Is it my fault and can I fix it in some easy way?

(http replaced with hllp due to forum spam protection)


von Tomas K. (kicker)

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Niels R. wrote:
> Am I correct to assume that I can use the Bus Pirate with avrdude to
> flash the HR20?

Basically you need a JTAG cable, avrdude, and a firmware. I haven't used 
bus pirate personally, but it claims JTAG support, so you should be fine 
as long as avrdude can talk to it.
Regarding firmware, look at sourceforge 
(http://sourceforge.net/projects/openhr20/), there is a pre-compiled 
download available.

von Fuchks (Guest)

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The HR20 Style is completely equivalent to the HR20 - except the case.

von Star K. (starkeeper)

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For the RFM addon modification, how did you manage to solder the wires 
diectly to the pins of µC?
I just started soldering the first wire to pin PA3 and it instantly 
broke. So the first device that won't be used anymore for this.

von Star K. (starkeeper)

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Ok I managed to solder the wires using the second option with the JTAG 
pins. But now I got problems with the display. After the reset all 
segments light up for a short time, but when the normal text comes to 
display some segments are not correctly driven, the text is nearly 
Are there any problems known which lead to incomplete display content?

Currently I am using the latest SVN release of the HR20_rfm_ext_sww.

von jdobry (Guest)

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Solder wires to MCU is not easy. You need profesional skill, flux and 
If you have problem with LCD it can be caused by few reasons:
1) you have residous flux on LCD contact, clean it by isopropyl alcohol.
2) see to MCU pins 47-49 and check shorcuts
3) you have some solder where is not welcome around LCD.
4) you have some unwanted solder around voltage generator for LCD (C7, 
C8, C9)

von jdobry (Guest)

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MCU is in QFN package. See to 
You are still able to solder on MCU border. It is small place, but it is 

von Marko B. (markob)

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> Solder wires to MCU is not easy. You need profesional skill, flux and
> iron.

You can also try my internal wiring 
(http://embdev.net/topic/118781#1590044). It's without a MCU pin 
connection. Makefile settings is "HR20_rfm_ext_sww".

von Star K. (starkeeper)

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Marko B. wrote:
>> Solder wires to MCU is not easy. You need profesional skill, flux and
>> iron.
> You can also try my internal wiring
> (http://embdev.net/topic/118781#1590044). It's without a MCU pin
> connection. Makefile settings is "HR20_rfm_ext_sww".

Thanks I already found the alternative wiring in the code and then 
figured out that this is the external wiring firmware.

It seems to work fine now, also the display is working now without any 
missing segments. Is there any way to figure out if the RFM wiring 
works? Maybe request some RFM status via UART?

My master is not yet ready to go, so I have nothing to check the 

von Bruce A. (bruce_a)

Attached files:

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I've attached a patch to flip the LCD display upside down. This is 
useful for UK style radiators with vertical HR20/25s. It allows 
(statically just now) choosing between the two. To enable "#define 
LCD_UPSIDE_DOWN 1" (in config.h for example). Enabled it uses an extra 6 
bytes of code space. Disabled, no difference in size.

To make it easy to do this, I've changed around the character mapping so 
reversing the bits results in a rotation. Also, it changes the wheel 
direction to work as I'd expect.

If you want the patch in another form, please let me know. Also, I have 
other changes waiting to be cleaned up/tested/reviewed (to allow the 
master to run on a arduino with RFM12, etc.). Should I create a git repo 
that the changes could be picked up from?

von Chris (Guest)

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Three out of 8 Rondostates do not communicate via serial, because they 
have wrong baud rate... 9900 baud, or 1042 baud ......

Would it be possible to habe an eeprom-value for callibration?

von Benedikt H. (hunz)

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With the original firmware my HR20E sometimes manages to open the valve 
beyond the mechanical limit. Turning it back again doesn't work, so the 
radiator keeps on heating like hell.
I poked around in motor.c of the OpenHR20 a bit and this is what I came 
up with: https://gist.github.com/4184988
I know it's ugly, but I'm currently trying this on a single radiator. 
Seems to work so far. I verified the maximum position by setting the 
desired temperature to On and removing the HR20E once the motor stopped 
Do you see any problems with my approach or are there suggestions for a 
better method?

von jdobry (Guest)

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@Benedikt H.: Why you can't use "manual calibration" like original 
manual? It works on original SW and also work on OpenHR20.

von Star K. (starkeeper)

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I got some problems with the RFM software. I have connected a RFM12 
module to the HR20 using the external wiring. For the HR20 software 
everything seems to work fine, there is no error in display.
But the master is probably not receiving anything from the HR20. I can 
not control, update or read status from the HR20. I used the standard 
address that is hardcoded in the software from SVN.

I did the same with a second device and it works like a charme. 
Shouldn't the device view the E4 error if there is no sync with the 

von Łukasz P. (piontec)

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First thing of all -- thank you for this project, this is really great 

Still, I have many questions... I have a little bit of experience with 
arduino, but i'm not a pro electronic engeenier... For OpenHr20 part of 
the documentation is in this forum, part in the svn, aprt is in english, 
but part is in german. Is there any step-by-step tutorial showing how to 
flash HR20, how to add RFM12 and connect it together?

As far as i understand the following steps are necessary to run openhr20 
firmware and connect thermostats wirelessly using RFM12:
1) flash the selected firmware "mode" (in this case rfm_ext_sww?) using 
a JTAG programmer into the atmega in HR20. Is it ok to use the binaries 
provided for download on sourceforge or should I compile it by myself?
2) Add RFM12 using external wiring (the easiest method) or mixed-wiring 
from http://embdev.net/topic/118781#1590044 (I want to put RFM12 inside 
HR20, but which firmware mode should I use in this case)?
3) Build a master board: basicly, an atmega, which reads data from 
RFM12, puts it on serial port, which is converted to usb.

And it should work, right? But the following questions emerge and (I 
admit - i didn't read carefully the whole forum thread, but it is really 
long now...) I didn't find answers to them:
1) Is it necesseray to use HR20E or is HR20 sufficient? What's the 
difference between these two versions?
2) The info in svn in rfmsrc/doc/external_RFM12/README.txt says "DO NOT 
USE IT WITH CURRENT SOFTWARE". So which version should I use?
3) What's about keys and addresses used for wireless communication? Do I 
have to setup them in the code, or can I set up them after falsh? If so 
- how? I only found info that "editing an EEPROM is possible" - not 
really useful unless you exectly know what is stored in that EEPROM?
4) Is there any 'user guide' for HR20 using OPenHR20 firmware? What was 
changed in comparison to the original firmware and how to set that 
5) I know, that after falshing rfm_ext version I can no longer use JTAG 
connector for debugging (and that's OK)? But will serial communication 
work? And will HR20 with rfm_ext work without master node, only based on 
settings set using buttons and encoder or serial port?

I know that's a lot of questions, but answering them you'll probably 
help many less adavanced users :) Or maybe even someone starts to write 
"Setup Howto" :) ?

Best regards and thanks once again fro your work.

von Jens T. (eljenso)

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Hi Star Keeper,

I assume you have flashed the correct firmware.
The E4 error is displayed a few minutes after power on, when no 
sync-frame was send by master.

How do you interact with the master?

von Bruce A. (bruce_a)

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I've started to put some of my code changes on github 
It contains all the subversion history, which is nice for browsing. I'll 
continue to update this repository.

All fairly minor changes. They include support for masters based on 
atmega32 and 328p (arduino style boards) e.g. the Nanode and WiNode, 
updates for building/running on more modern linux based systems and 
rudimentary individual RFM12 frequency tuning. See commits for full log.

von Star K. (starkeeper)

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@Jens Tode
I already solved the problem. It was simply a problem while flashing. 
The fuse for preventing EEPROM write was set and the address that was 
programmed in the EEPROM was the same like another device I have in use.

After restting the fuse, the address in EEPROM was changed and the 
communication is working now!

I currently implement my own stand-alone master using a STM32 with 
cortex-m3. I have running a lwIp with udp server and webserver. The plan 
is to write a android app soon, to replace the webserver interface. But 
that's future..

Currently I got stuck while porting the AVR assembler code in the 
crypto_init function. Can somebody say what the assembler code there 
does? Is an equal C-code available?

von Jens T. (eljenso)

Attached files:

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@Star Keeper

Sounds good.

I am actually working on a similar project, but I use a LPC1768.

For the assembler part of crypto_init you can try the attached code.
I tried my best to translate it into c and tested it in MSVS6, should 

I also attached a screenshot of my app I am working on.

Best regards,

In the attached c-file the include should obviously be in the first row 

von Star K. (starkeeper)

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Thank you very much!
When you say "should work" means that you can use this code wih the 
normal RFM-code on the valves or is this theretically tested in MSVC 

Well I will figure this out but it is always better to know what to 
expect ;-)

Seems that your project is more advanced than mine. But christmas 
vacation is on it'S way..

von Jens T. (eljenso)

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@Star Keeper

I debugged the crypto_init and used those values to verify my c-code.
Including the code into my LPC-Project will be done during christmas

von Olivier (Guest)

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Hello everyone,

I have discovered this forum by chance while surfing on home control 
websites. I am playing with arduino to automate some of my house 

I have an existing HR-20S at home and I would like to know if all I read 
in this forum is applicable to it. I opened it and its microcontroller 
is a Atmel MEGA169PV.

If so, my first objective would be to upload the open firmware you have 
developped without hardvare modifications and just send commands through 
serial communication (with wires) to control it from my central home 
control server. Since the arduino can be programmed directly through 
USB, I am not equiped but I guess this would do it even though it does 
not mention the 169PV:

Could you please tell me if this is the way to proceed:
-upload openHR20 using above device and the corresponding software 
(which one?)
-Connect the device to a serial monitor on a pc so that I can send 
commands to it and monitor temperatures (for this should I still use the 
same device or could I simply connect it to a serial port of a PC?)

Thanks for your help.

Kind regards


von Jens T. (eljenso)

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Hi Olivier,

since the HR20 uses two batteries you have to ensure, that your 
JTAG-Programmer works at 3V.
Have a look at ebay, there you will find several programmers which could 
be jumpered for 3V or 5V operation.
Same price like in your link.

If mega169 is listed, what usually should be, you can take that 
The "PV" just marks specific versions (voltage range, newer version of 
chip, etc.). For the programmer it should make no differences.

Take newest version from svn.

Serial connection:
To connect it to your pc you have to use a rs232 transceiver or a 
ttl-usb converter.
Take a look into com.c to see which commands are supported.

Best regards,

von Olivier (Guest)

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Hi Jens,

Thank you for your very quick reply and wish you a happy new year 2013.

Kind regards


von reinis (Guest)

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Hello togehter,

just an idea after reading following article and this forum:

Is it be possible to setup a raspberry PI as master controller for a 
HR20-RFM (433MHz module)and for a webinterface project, after reading 
the articles, for me it looks like the raspberry has the basic HW 
already avialble on board ?

What do you think, is this technical feasible ?


von jdobry (Guest)

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@reinis: Direct FM modulation on pin is nice toy, but not for everyday 
use. It have too many limitations and practical problems.

Why you not buy RFM12B modules? It's cheap (5EUR). If you want to have 
hardware for "master" you can use ATMEGA328P based Adruino (ex UNO), 
kick off arduino firmware and use SPI to upload current master code with 
light modification (ATmega32 compare to ATmega328 and SPI pins)

von Tomas Kopal (Guest)

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I would agree with Jiri that direct FM modulation is a more of a toy, 
not a real way forward. If you want, you can connect RFM12b directly to 
raspberry (see e.g. 
I haven't checked much, but I would expect you would need to write some 
driver etc. to get it running, but it should be possible.
I personally plan to use jeenode smd 
(http://jeelabs.com/products/jeenode-smd) as a master board, and connect 
it to raspberry via serial. This way, you can use the code already 
provided by this project. I also think that offloading the radio 
communication to dedicated HW and leaving raspberry with less 
time-critical tasks is a good thing in the long run.

von Jens T. (eljenso)

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Hi @all,

first of all many thanks to Jiri and all the others working on this 

I had a little problem with "software-based" open window detection.
The program stucks in routine CTL_window_detection in controller.c.

Debugging the code showed me, that ring_buf_temp_avgs_pos was 240.

After initializing ring_buf_temp_avgs_pos with zero in adc.h it know 
seems to work.

I use WinAVR-20100110.

Best regards,

von Dominik W. (nikwest)

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I can compile the rfmsrc tree from above mentioned git directly or with 
some 'const' additions from svn sources. I use the latest Crosspack AVR 
(CrossPack-AVR-20121207) on OSX. But when I program it to the thermostat 
it does not run. Some numbers will show on the display and I can press 
some buttons, but nothing really useful.

If I use the prebuilt binaries from source forge they seem to work.  No 
real live testing yet though.

Are the binaries built from the latest revision or is it my setup? Still 
trying to figure out how to get debugging working.

I'm quite new to microcontroller programming. Can I use the AVR Dragon 
programmer as a USB to serial connection too? Or should I use something 
like a bus pirate?

My plan is to connect an electric imp through SPI and create an iPhone 
app for remote controlling the thermostat.

von Olivier (Guest)

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Hi Jens,

For programming my HR20, do you know if by any chance I could use this 
method (I already have an arduino uno r3).


I would use 2 resistors on each chanel to divide the 5V into 3.3V

However, there is something strange: it is supposed to use MISO and MOSI 
pins but those available on the HR20 connector are TDI and TDO. Can they 
be somehow mapped?

Kind regards


von Helge T. (htefs)

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MISO and MOSI shows, that You like to use an ISP-programmer on a 
JTAG-port (TDI, TDO). If Your programmer can not be switched to JTAG, 
You can't use it for programming the HR20.

von Jens T. (eljenso)

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Hi Olivier,

as Helge already wrote: it is NOT possible to "map" isp to jtag.

If money doesn't matter get yourself a genuine JTAG-programmer from 
These should support 3V operation.

And if you like to solder check out evertool:

I build it up a couple of years ago and still use and love it.

Here are some others:

And here is one on eBay:

But i have no idea how reliable these cheap eBay programmers are!


von Tomas K. (kicker)

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Hi Olivier,

just to add to what has been already said - if you really want to use 
ISP programmer, there should be a way, as all three (MOSI, MISO, SCK) 
signals are connected to control buttons. So if you don't mind opening 
the case and connecting (maybe soldering) directly to the board, it 
should work if you connect to these three signals, plus of course GND, 
reset, maybe Vcc. Please note that I have not tried this approach myself 

von Jens T. (eljenso)

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Hi @all,

as you can read above, I try to implement a master on a lpc1768.
En- and decoding works, sending sync also works, but i am stuck in 
sending regular packages like mode changes etc.

When do i have to send a package?

If i understand code for master correctly it must be right after 
receiving a package from HR20.

Is that right, or do I have to wait for next interval?

How do I have to understand the package counter?
With the actual code it is possible that HR20 increments it, even if 
package was not for him.
(From a radio wall socket for example).

Best regards,

von steved (Guest)

Attached files:

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I've implemented an RS-485 controlled valve - works on the bench, but 
not tried on a real system yet.
Attached are:
* Updated software
* Circuit of the interface
* A couple of photos of the interface.

Since RS-485 requires wires, I've opted to distribute power - nominally 
24 volts, although I've used a dc-dc converter which accepts 7-30V. 
Current consumption is normally negligible.

I've implemented a serial protocol with error checking and addressing.
I've added some extra commands and status, since I want the option of 
the valve being told the 'window open' status and/or ambient temperature 
by the host controller (which obtains the information from elsewhere in 
the system)

Software just fits in an ATMega169, provided most other options are 
disabled (99.7% full). It was developed with Atmel Studio 6.

The black connector on the end of the interface board is for the 
emulator - that bit can be cut off if not needed. Similarly, the 
connector to the valve wouldn't have long pins on the final version.

Just need a cover for it now. And, of course, the master software!

von Jiri D. (jdobry)

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@steved: It looks nice. Do you have a plan to make this project public? 
If yes, send me your sourceforge account name and I will grant access to 
repositories for you.
Do you still use Makefile or you are using AtmelStudio6 IDE? I would 
like ask because current Makefile contain some tricks to make code 
smaller and I cant imagine how to do it on AS6 IDE. Except this it is 
not multiplatform and can't be (based on MSVS).

von steved (Guest)

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You've given me access to the repository, but I'll probably hold off 
committing code until I've checked a few things. At present it uses the 
AtmelStudio6 build system (whatever that is); while the IDE can be 
configured to use a Makefile, it doesn't work at present. In the 
meantime, the code can be downloaded from my post for anyone interested.
I forgot to mention, there's some documentation on the serial protocol 
and new commands in the file 'todo.txt' (logical name!)

von Richard G. (gggggg)

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Jens Tode wrote:
> I had a little problem with "software-based" open window detection.
> The program stucks in routine CTL_window_detection in controller.c.
> Debugging the code showed me, that ring_buf_temp_avgs_pos was 240.
> After initializing ring_buf_temp_avgs_pos with zero in adc.h it know
> seems to work.

@Jiri ... shouldnt this got to svn (and isnt it adc.c that has to be 
changed) ??

von Star K. (starkeeper)

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Another problem that I encoutnered was wih the RFM implementation. Every 
minute the device sends the own status. The package that is used to send 
the data is not initialized every time it is sent. That leads to 
situations in which the data holds not the correct values. Also the data 
counter for this package is not initialized each time, which results in 
an increasing package size until the buffer limit ist reached.

I think I could provide some diff this evening, when I have access to my 

Another point that I have seen is the automatic valve protection. It 
seems that every saturday at 10 o'clock the valve opens completely and 
then closes to normal state. First of all I don't think that it is 
neccessary to do this every week and then I would prefer to do this 
while a normal heating phase and not all the time even if the frost 
protection phase is active.

von Jiri D. (jdobry)

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Star Keeper:
Status data is NOT send every minute. It is send after change on 
reserved second time slot.

von Star K. (starkeeper)

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Weird, my master receives ever minute data from each client. As far as I 
was able to debug this the client sends the data from the function 
"wirelessTimer" in wireless.c. There the case WL_TIMER_FIRST is entered.

Another thing that got my attention was line 357 in wireless.c there ist 
a if clause with following brackets but they have no effect because 
there is statement directly after the if-clause:
            if (rfm_framepos>(rfm_framebuf[0]&0x7f)) rfm_framepos=(rfm_framebuf[0]&0x7f);
                bool mac_ok;
                #if ! defined(MASTER_CONFIG_H)

Is it desired, that the code after the if-clause is executed every time 
or should this normally be the content of the if-clause?

von jdobry (Guest)

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@Star Keeper: This code is correct. Condition is used to limit the 
value. Folowing brackes allow create mac_ok variable on place where is 

But you are right, it can be better by formal line.

von Star K. (starkeeper)

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I tried to figure out why my devices send every minute a status telegram 
and not only on change as you suggested. The reason is that each time 
they receive a sync packet from the master the variable time_sync_tmo is 
set to 20 (file wireless.c) and then in main.c the value of 
time_sync_tmo leads to a setting of "wirelessTimerCase = 
WL_TIMER_FIRST". This causes the sending of the status packets.

Can you tell me what the intention of the variable time_sync_tmo is? And 
what is the function of WL_TIMER_FIRST?

von jdobry (Guest)

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time_sync_tmo is time stamp synchronization timeout (count down when 
expected sync is not received)

WL_TIMER_FIRST is set when we have something to send. It can be after 
change state or by request on sync packet) It send first packet in 
current time slot and start communication.

von Jens T. (eljenso)

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@Star Keeper

After HR20 sends status the receiver is on for 80ms.
Within these 80ms you have to send an empty package (framebuf[0]=0x06, 
framebuf[1]=0x0, cmac).
When HR20 received this empty package, it sends status message every 4 
minutes, but keeps listening for sync package on 0 and 30 sec.
Without sending empty package you will get status message every minute.

von Star K. (starkeeper)

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Okay that sounds plausible, I was wondering why the original master 
always sends empty packets, even when there is no new data for the 
In my Implementation I have removed this empty packet because it made no 
sense to me. ^^

I hope that fixing this will increase my battery life time. I had one 
valve with new bateries running for 2 month now and the batteries were 
empty. I was hoping to get a batery life time of one year or more.

von Jiri D. (jdobry)

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My battery life depend to HR20 usage. In another word on volume of valve 
On child room battery must be replaced after one season. I have also one 
HR20 not mounted to heating, just for try life time only with LCD and 
wireless communication. It works almost 2 years and still working.
I am using cheap alcaline batteries from IKEA because it's easy write 
date of plug in on yellow body.

von Marco G. (stan)

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I also use cheap batteries from LIDL, and they last about one season.
But if the master daemon process on my FritzBox dies and I do not 
recognize that within hours, the battery life goes down immediately.

Guess the battery drains when the HR20 has no sync (E4).

von Dominik W. (nikwest)

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I have successfully flashed the prebuild software (original_sww). If I 
connect to the serial line, I can see output every 4 minutes:

February 2, 2013 5:33:35 PM GMT+01:00: READ: D: d4 02.02.12 17:32:54 A 
V: 59 I: 2054 S: 2100 B: 4960 Is: 002e E:04

It is not exactly what I expected from reading the Basis_Protokoll.pdf 
from the repository.

If I try to send some commands like:


there is no response. I looked into the source and it seems like maybe 


is used for querying the version. But in both cases there is no 

Am I doing something wrong? Do I need to enable serial communication?

von Jiri D. (jdobry)

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Jörg Becker:
Serial communication use "unix" end of line. Try putty as serial 
terminal. Switch to right end of lines and try this commands. "D<enter>" 
or "V<enter>". It is case sensitive.

von Dominik W. (nikwest)

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HI Jörg,

thanks for the quick answer. I already tried to use carriage return '\r' 
instead of new line '\n'.

I'm using an electric imp to connect to the thermostat, so no putty 
available here.

von Łukasz P. (piontec)

Attached files:

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Hi all,
I've forked @bruce_a github repo and added some features:
1) cleanup of some deprecated php functions,
2) added easy compile scripts with sane(?) default options for 
compilation of rfmsrc/OpenHR20 and master on arduino
3) added support for RRD graphs (see attached sample), which can 
effectively hold and plot long term statistics.

If you're interested, grab the changes here:
(I'm also merging my changes with bruce's fork)
Tutorial for setting RRD graphs is in

Nevertheless, I also have some questions, please have a look at my next 
post :)

von Łukasz P. (piontec)

Attached files:

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Hi all,

I'm having problems tuning my 3 openhr20 thermostats.

I can't grab the idea how the PID implemented in openhr20 is working. As 
far as I found out, there is only PI part (that's what the configuration 
options allow to alter). But my controller acts as if there was a "D" 
part also. Please have a look at openhr20_opening.png. After the 
temperature change, the valve remains closed for some time, but than it 
starts to open, despite the fact, that the temperature is still to high. 
And because it opens, the temperature never reaches the set value 
(altough it seems it could). How can i fix that?

Another issue: I have a valve, where valve change of 1% (as far as I 
understand, the samllest possible step) results and quite visible 
temperature change (see osc.jpeg) and as a result, the temperature is 
constantly oscilating around the set value. Can i change that and make 
the valve adjustment step finer?

von jdobry (Guest)

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About PID controler:
You are right it NOT use "D". Reason is simple. It is compromise between 
battery life and response time. Without "D" it is bit slower, but wit 
longer battery life (less actions).

It contain one trick in PID. For "P" it not use error value direcly but 
use error^3.


von jdobry (Guest)

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About 1% change:
Problem is that 1% represent just 4-6 impulses on motor counter eye. I 
has some ideas how to improve and use better resolution, but it is not 

1) motor is almost imposible to stop on exact postion. Due to presure 
from valve some comfiguration continue on move after motor stop. Mainly 
after "open" step caused only by mechanical preasure. It can make 0-3 
impulses on motor eye.

2) protocols is not prepared to show better precision. It need change.

PS: why you creating fork? You can continue on existing project.

von Łukasz P. (piontec)

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@jdobry: maybe you could share your ideas in some branch? It seems to 
me, that they could be really usefull, even when the protocols would 
show the rounded value of valve position.

And of there is no "D", why my valve starts to open and heats up the 
room even when the wanted temperature is much lower than the real one? 
How can I tune that?

And according to the fork... I needed Bruce's at328p port of master and 
he put that on github - and it's so easy to fork a project on github :) 
Maybe it would be worth the work to move openhr20 there too? If not, 
I'll try to put my changes into sf.net (someday).

von jdobry (Guest)

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Łukasz: Frankely spoken, GIT could be better for this project. I am 
using SVN only by historical reasons. Project was created years ago. ;-)

It is possible that now is right time to move this to GIT and continue 
on project without central authority. At now, I have many ideas, but not 
time. I am too busy.

von Star K. (starkeeper)

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I am still working on my own master implementation. Currently I got 
stuck at the force communication mechanism. As far as I understood I 
have the possibility to trigger a communication with the valve using the 
two bytes "force_address" in the sync command. Is that correct?

I have problems using this mechanism the valves do only respond after 
four minutes and not as expected whithin the next 30 seconds. Which 
criterea must be met to force the valve to respond directly in the next 
time slot and not after the four minutes?

von Jens T. (eljenso)

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Hi Star Keeper,

yes, you have to use force address when sending sync command.

How did you encoded the address you want to force?
The OpenHR shifts x times right, corresponding to it's own address and 
then checks if it's 1.

An answer after 4min means that OpenHR has not recognized force command.

As far as I know, OpenHR answers 30sec+address after forcing.

von Star K. (starkeeper)

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I did not encode the address, there is on byte reserved per address and 
I write the plain address to it. For example if the address is 0x12 then 
I send this value in the corresponding force_address byte.
As far as I have understood the code of the valve there is no shifting 
or something like this.

I have found this code in main.c:
  (RTC_GetSecond()>30) &&
) || 
  (wl_force_addr1==0xff) &&
  (RTC_GetSecond()%30 == config.RFM_devaddr) &&
I think there are two possibilities to force the communication.

- First possibility is to use the two force_addresses.
- Second would be somthing like a broadcast with bits for each address 
in a force_flag variable.

With the first possiblity I would expect the device to respond in the 
seconds 30-59. The even seconds are used for force_address1 and the odd 
seconds for force_address2. -> But it does not work..

The second possibility would trigger the valve to respond within the 
next minute in the second 0-29 depending on the own address. I think I 
will have to test that instead.

von jdobry (Guest)

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@Star Keeper: You are right (comment 2013-03-16 20:16)
First choice is set bit in bitmap (second 1-29)
Second choice is set two adreses for odd/even seconds (31-59)

von Star K. (starkeeper)

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The problem why the valve does not answer the force_address packets is 
founded in the fact that the valve does not receive these packets at 
all. I can see that the master sends the sync packet on 0th second and 
on 30th second. But only the first sync in the 0th second is received by 
the valve.

I have setup a second RFM12 hardware to have some sort of packet sniffer 
and I can see that the master really sends two packet but only one is 
received by the valve software.

Is there some sort of shutdown mechanism in the valve software that 
prevents the valve from receiving my packets in the 30th second?

von Łukasz P. (piontec)

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Altough I'm still having some problems with my openhr20 instalaltion, I 
wrote a detailed and complete (?) tutorial, that shows how to start form 
scratch and build the system step-by-step. Please visit the following 
URL to check it out:

Comments, corrections and new topics are welcome!

von Stuart (Guest)

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For info, looks like the RFM12B is being discontinued. See:


von Frank (Guest)

Attached files:

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First of all, thanks to you all for such a great work, especially to 
Dario and Jiri.

I used Lukasz' description (see his previous post) and managed to upload 
the OpenHR20 FW to my HR20! :-) I've attached the output of the flash 
procedure. The flash procedure seems to have worked, but when verifying 
the EEPROM content an error was detected.

Unfortunately, for some reason I can now no longer communicate with my 
HR20 via the JTAG connector (i.e. I see no way how I can upload the 
original FW or a newer version of OpenHR20). I'm using the Olimex 
AVR-JTAG-USB on Fedora 18.

When I try the following command
avrdude -p m169 -c jtag1 -P /dev/ttyUSB0 -n -v

I get the following output:
avrdude: Version 5.11.1, compiled on Jul 19 2012 at 00:42:34
         Copyright (c) 2000-2005 Brian Dean, http://www.bdmicro.com/
         Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Joerg Wunsch
         System wide configuration file is "/etc/avrdude/avrdude.conf"
         User configuration file is "/home/frank/.avrduderc"
         User configuration file does not exist or is not a regular file, skipping
         Using Port                    : /dev/ttyUSB0
         Using Programmer              : jtag1
         AVR Part                      : ATMEGA169
         Chip Erase delay              : 9000 us
         PAGEL                         : P00
         BS2                           : P00
         RESET disposition             : dedicated
         RETRY pulse                   : SCK
         serial program mode           : yes
         parallel program mode         : yes
         Timeout                       : 200
         StabDelay                     : 100
         CmdexeDelay                   : 25
         SyncLoops                     : 32
         ByteDelay                     : 0
         PollIndex                     : 3
         PollValue                     : 0x53
         Memory Detail                 :
                                  Block Poll               Page                       Polled
           Memory Type Mode Delay Size  Indx Paged  Size   Size #Pages MinW  MaxW   ReadBack
           ----------- ---- ----- ----- ---- ------ ------ ---- ------ ----- ----- ---------
           eeprom        65    20     4    0 no        512    4      0  9000  9000 0xff 0xff
           flash         65     6   128    0 yes     16384  128    128  4500  4500 0xff 0xff
           lfuse          0     0     0    0 no          1    0      0  2000  2000 0x00 0x00
           hfuse          0     0     0    0 no          1    0      0  2000  2000 0x00 0x00
           efuse          0     0     0    0 no          1    0      0     0     0 0x00 0x00
           lock           0     0     0    0 no          1    0      0  2000  2000 0x00 0x00
           signature      0     0     0    0 no          3    0      0     0     0 0x00 0x00
           calibration    0     0     0    0 no          1    0      0     0     0 0x00 0x00
         Programmer Type : JTAGMKI
         Description     : Atmel JTAG ICE (mkI)
         ICE hardware version: 0xce
         ICE firmware version: 0x80
         Vtarget         : 5.0 V
         JTAG clock      : ??? (1.0 us)
avrdude: jtagmkI_initialize(): warning: OCDEN fuse not programmed, single-byte EEPROM updates not possible
avrdude: AVR device initialized and ready to accept instructions
Reading | ################################################## | 100% 0.01s
avrdude: Device signature = 0xffffff
avrdude: Yikes!  Invalid device signature.
         Double check connections and try again, or use -F to override
         this check.
avrdude done.  Thank you.

So, I quadruple checked the connection, but they seem to be okay
 HR20             JTAG
 1 (/RESET) <---> 6 (NSRST)
 2 (PE2)    not connected
 3 (TMS)    <---> 5 (TMS)
 4 (TCK)    <---> 1 (TCK)
 5 (TDO)    <---> 3 (TDO)
 6 (TxD)    not connected
 7 (RxD)    not connected
 8 (TDI)    <---> 9 (TDI)
 9 (+Batt)  <---> 4 (VREF)
              +-> 7 (VCC)
10 (GND)    <---> 10 (GND)

Does this make sense? FYI: The Olimex AVR-JTAG-USB is powered from the 

Also in some other post (2011-12-24 11:41) Bernard wrote, that his 
batteries were insufficient. So I connected Batt+ and GND to the +3.3V 
and GND of my Arduino Uno (I don't have a lab power supply) instead of 
using batteries. Same result: Yikes!

Next think, I wanted to find out if the fuses from Lukasz flash script 
are okay:
 hfuse 0x9B
 lfuse 0xE2

According to http://www.engbedded.com/fusecalc/ these values mean that 
JTAG is enabled.

So, eveything looks fine to me, but still I cant connect to the HR20. 
I'm running out of ideas. Does anyone of you have some idea how I could 

Thanks, best regards and happy easter,

von Star K. (starkeeper)

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The only time I experienced problems while flashing I had not connected 
PE2 to ground. For whatever reason this pin requires a defined logic 
level. If you are using the RFM modified version then the PE2 pin could 
already be connected to a logic pin of the RFM, then you do not need to 
connect it with GND. But depending on the wiring you have used for 
connecting the RFM you must enable the reset line wile flashing. I do 
not know how this is done but the AVR studio asks for it if the target 
is not recognized correct.

I experience another problem with one of my vales. I have bought a new 
one and modified it using the external wiring. This valve does not 
switch the temperatures as configured in the timing table. The settings 
of the software are unchanged aside from the timing table. There is one 
timing slot for the whole week enabled, which contains two cycle times:
1: 21:00 -> mode 2
2: 22:00 -> mode 0

The valve does not switch from the normal mode '0' to the comfort mode 
'2' when 21 o'clock is reached.

If I press the mode change button on the device twice, for switching to 
manual mode and back to automatic mode then the correct temprature is 
used. But then the automatic switch back from the mode '2' to the mode 
'0' at 22 o'clock is not done. This requires again a manual toggle of 
the mode from auto->manual->auto to get the new correct target 

Has someone else experienced such problems? It seems that the timing of 
the device is somehow broken..

von Frank (Guest)

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@Star Keeper:
Pulling PE2 to ground didn't help, but thanks for the hint with the 
reset line! I just wired reset to ground and now I can read and write 
again. :-) I'm not sure though, how to let avrdude do this for me, but 
anyway: It works! :-)

von Jens T. (eljenso)

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@Star Keeper

I also notice the problem you describe.
In my case OpenHR "stucks" sometimes (not switching to correct mode) 
after flashing.

von Star K. (starkeeper)

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I have solved my problem with the not working valves that do not 
correctly switch from one time slot to another. The problem is the time 
sync handling in the client. If the master send the sync after 29 
seconds instead of 30+ seconds than the client corrects the local time 
and thus misses the event of the minute change.

The client has the time 44:59 (minute:second) and no receives the sync 
from the master which tells him that the time is 45:00. This forces the 
client to set the local time to the same time like the master has send. 
In this case the switch from minute 44 to miunte 45 does not create an 
event. If a new time slot has begun at minute 45 the slot is missed no 
change happens.

In my case this was caused by the time of the master, which was running 
to fast. The sync was not send every 30 seconds but every 29 seconds.

von Tomas K. (kicker)

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I have finally cleaned-up my patches and have all ready to make it 
public. What is the best place at this moment? Bruce33 github? Shall I 
make a pull request?
Or what would be the "official" and most up-to-date repo right now?

The changes are mainly to support internal wiring of RFM module in HR25, 
and added support for JeeNode (www.jeelabs.org) as a master, but also 
some minor improvements in makefiles etc. And hopefully there will be 
more, if time permits.

von Wojtek S. (wojtek_s)

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its my first question after 6 months fighting with AVR/HR20 but now I 
need some help from the experts.

my current status:
- Some HR20's are running :-) with your software (thanks a lot to all!)
- some HR20's with RFM12 running (E4 missing sync)

Now I try to get the master working. hardware which I want to use it the 
AVR NET IO Board with Add On board (from polling.de with some nice 

Due to the different hardware connection like INT2/NSEL etc. the master 
code need some modification....

Is there some body with running the master code on this AVR NET IO 
The second possibilty will be use one of HR20 hardware as master, any 
ideas how to get the code running ?
The last one option will be buy a new hardware, in that case what would 
you propose ?

von Jens (Guest)

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Hi Wojtek,

i am not sure if NetIO is capable to handle communication to OpenHR 
beside all the networking stuff.

von Wojtek S. (wojtek_s)

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Hi Jens,

At the moment I want to log all data from HR20's only.
The networking stuff is not needed, maybe later as GUI. I have a lot 
ideas but its not really easy for me.

von Tomas K. (kicker)

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Hi Wojtek,

as far as I can see looking at NetIO, it does not have RFM module built 
in, so you will have to add it. If you won't deviate from the original 
master board connection too much, I believe the master code can be used 
with only minor modifications.
I have decided to used JeeNode SMD from jeelabs.org as it contains 
everything I need in a small footprint. There the RFM module is wired 
slightly differently, so a bit bigger modification was required. 
Unfortunately, I lost my changes and I will have to do them again, so I 
don't have any reference code to offer at this moment.
I never thought of using HR20 as master, but I think it should be 
possible as well. I believe that even in this case you might need some 
code modifications, and I am not sure it is worth the time though, as it 
is only a temporary solution...

von Wojtek S. (wojtek_s)

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Hi Tomas,

you are right, HR20 as master will be just a temp solution. the target 
is to have a control master with LCD, input switches, logging the gas 
volume (using the HR20 opto eye) etc.

Long time project :-)

At the moment I would like to monitor my 10 HR20s and check the control 
parameters (current Temp,PID values..).

von Tomas K. (kicker)

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Hi Wojtek,

well, I am heading similar direction :-). Only that I decided to leave 
just HR20 communication and control up to AVR, and do networking and 
other not time critical processing on a different board (RaspberryPI in 
my case).

Keep us posted how it works for you :-).


von Wojtek S. (wojtek_s)

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Hi Tomas,

for sure its great board, I thinking about a big color display ;-)
but in my case it will be very difficult due to non experience with such 
complex hardware.
If there is any similar project in the net than maybe it will be a 

Any other AT32 master boards which are working already ?

von Michael R. (mr-action)

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i will use the openHR20 Software with rfm support without master-board. 
I have added a RFM12 direkt into my raspberry PI. In a first Test die 
Kommunikation is working (for that i have extracted the keys from the 

Now im working on the Software for the raspberry, but my keys are 
different. :-o

XTEA is not the Problem. Kmac and Kenc are the same on raspberry and 
Kmac: 3B D6 F1 A6 AC 20 B2 B4
Kenc: 0E 59 80 93 8A BA B5 88

But K1 and K2 are different. I extract the "L" (first step when 
generating K1 - look at security.pdf). It's the same on both devices:
L: 2F 03 6C C7 1E 0D 34 1F

The MSB is 0 so it must only left shiftet. The Results different in 
K1@raspPI: 5E 06 D9 8E 3C 1A 68 3E
K1@HR20:   5E 06 D8 8E 3D 1A 68 3E
or Binary:
                                       X                   X
K1@raspPI: 0101 1110 0000 0110 1101 1001 1000 1110 0011 1100 0001 1010 0110 1000 0011 1110
K1@HR20:   0101 1110 0000 0110 1101 1000 1000 1110 0011 1101 0001 1010 0110 1000 0011 1110

I think, there is a bug in the assembler Part of the HR20 Software. Can 
anybody (who talks assembler better then me) check this?

von Jens (Guest)

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Hi Michael,

it has been a while since I was "in" the code, but I translated asm to c 
(see post from 2012-12-20) and it works in my application.
So there should not be any problems with asm code of HR20.

What helped me was to replace the time with constants (on master and on 
HR20), during getting into the code of HR20.

For this winter I bought an embedded pi and plan to port my master-code 
to it.

von jdobry (Guest)

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Michael R: sorry for bug in encryption

I already receive bug report few months ago from user "star keeper". 
Here is it, I hope, that it help. Sorry, I am 110% bussy on my main job. 
I have not time to fix it.

Here is it:

see to http://csrc.nist.gov/publications/nistpubs/800-38B/SP_800-38B.pdf
Chapter 6.1 describes K1 and K2 generation in pseudocode.
But now I can see bug in wrong  Rb, my code use Rb=1 instead
Rb(64bit)=11011b (chapter 5.3). Sometimes is useful review code

In other words: now it is bit rotation to left over 8 bytes.
First for K1, second for K2

von Wojtek S. (wojtek_s)

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Hello Michael,

do you have any description how to connect the RFM12 with raspberry PI?
and are there a lot of software changes needed ?

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