Hi !
So I'm trying to write VHDL code to implement an N:1 MUX with 2:1 MUXs.
At the beginning I used a process but the compiler quickly pointed out
to me that we can't use port map inside a process
So I omitted the process and turn the variables into signals and I got
1 | library ieee;
2 | use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
3 | use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;
4 | use ieee.numeric_std.all;
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 | entity MUX8_1 is
9 | generic (
10 | N : integer := 8; -- N vers 1
11 | C : integer := 3 -- Signaux de contrôle
12 | );
13 | port (
14 | E : IN std_logic_vector(N-1 downto 0);
15 | CTRL : IN std_logic_vector(C-1 downto 0);
16 | S : OUT std_logic
17 | );
18 | end MUX8_1;
19 |
20 |
21 |
22 |
23 | architecture MUX8_1_arc of MUX8_1 is
24 | --generic map (
25 | -- N => 8,
26 | -- C => 3
27 | -- )
28 |
29 | component MUX2_1 is
30 | port (
31 | E : IN std_logic_vector (1 downto 0);
32 | SLCT : IN std_logic; --avec 1 downto 0, la conversion
33 | S : OUT std_logic -- ne peut se faire
34 | );
35 | end component;
36 |
37 |
38 | signal L : integer := N;
39 | signal a : integer := 0;
40 | signal E1 : std_logic_vector(N-1 downto 0);
41 | signal T1 : std_logic_vector(N-1 downto 0) := E;
42 | signal T : std_logic;
43 | begin
44 | Controle : for j in 0 to C-1 generate
45 | L <= L/2;
46 | a <= 0;
47 |
48 | E1 <= T1;
49 | T1 <= (others => '0');
50 |
51 | Entree : for i in 0 to 2*L-1 generate
52 | if (a mod 2 = 0) then
53 | MUX : entity work.MUX2_1 port map(E1(2*L-1-i downto 2*L-2-i), CTRL(j), T);
54 | T1 <= T1&T;
55 | end if;
56 | a <= a + 1;
57 | end generate;
58 |
59 | end generate;
60 |
61 |
62 | end MUX8_1_arc;
And here are the errors and warnings that I got:
** Error: C:\Users\loune\OneDrive\Bureau \EE\S2\MSCL\Devoir Maison
1\Ex1_N.vhd(53): illegal concurrent statement.
** Error: C:\Users\loune\OneDrive\Bureau \EE\S2\MSCL\Devoir Maison
1\Ex1_N.vhd(54): (vcom-1450) Actual (slice name) for formal "E" is not a
static signal name.
** Warning: C:\Users\loune\OneDrive\Bureau \EE\S2\MSCL\Devoir Maison
1\Ex1_N.vhd(51): (vcom-1147) Range in parameter specification of FOR
GENERATE must be static.
** Warning: C:\Users\loune\OneDrive\Bureau \EE\S2\MSCL\Devoir Maison
1\Ex1_N.vhd(41): (vcom-1013) Initial value of "T1" depends on value of
signal "E".
** Warning: C:\Users\loune\OneDrive\Bureau \EE\S2\MSCL\Devoir Maison
1\Ex1_N.vhd(38): Nonresolved signal 'L' may have multiple sources.
C:\Users\loune\OneDrive\Bureau \EE\S2\MSCL\Devoir Maison
1\Ex1_N.vhd(45):Conditional signal assignment line__45
** Warning: C:\Users\loune\OneDrive\Bureau \EE\S2\MSCL\Devoir Maison
1\Ex1_N.vhd(39): Nonresolved signal 'a' may have multiple sources.
C:\Users\loune\OneDrive\Bureau \EE\S2\MSCL\Devoir Maison
1\Ex1_N.vhd(57):Conditional signal assignment line__57
C:\Users\loune\OneDrive\Bureau \EE\S2\MSCL\Devoir Maison
1\Ex1_N.vhd(46):Conditional signal assignment line__46
Any help is welcome.