
Forum: FPGA, VHDL & Verilog Connecting 7 in 1 Soil Sensor with GW1NSR-4C using UART

von Jainesh (jainesh)

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I am trying to make a UART connection between the GW1NSR-4C Chip(LilyGO 
T-FPGA board) and the 7 in 1 Soil Sensor. The Soil Sensor follows the 
RTU Modbus Protocol, requires CRC error check, and by default, the baud 
rate is 9600.

I have to use the Gowin EDA software to program the GW1NSR-4C chip(C6/I5 
Speed Grade)

The GW1NSR-4C chip on the LilyGO T-FPGA board is connected to a 27 MHz 
crystal oscillator which I am using to generate the baud rate. I have 
defined the UART.v file as the top module and I also have a Transmitter 
and a Receiver module with a CRC_16 module.

I need help with the code, as currently, I am trying to build the code 
to send the request frame to the sensor for all 7 parameters then 
receive back the response frame and further calculate the parameter 

Currently, I am trying to just work on the transmitter part of the code 
and check the request frame output by connecting Arduino via UART and 
printing on the serial monitor. But the problem is in the current code, 
whatever data I am sending is sent twice, and after implementation of 
the CRC in the code, all the data sent is 0(sent twice). I don't know 
what to do and am I in urgent need to complete this project.

Can somebody help?

Please let me know if any more details are needed to be shared.

von Gustl B. (-gb-)

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Jainesh wrote:
> I am trying to make a UART connection between the GW1NSR-4C Chip(LilyGO
> T-FPGA board) and the 7 in 1 Soil Sensor. The Soil Sensor follows the
> RTU Modbus Protocol, requires CRC error check, and by default, the baud
> rate is 9600.

So you try to build a RS-232 (UART) <-> RS-485 (Modbus) bridge?

There are USB adaptors and even Modbus gateways (Modbus to 
UART/Ethernet/Wifi/...) available.

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