I am a hdl noob currently experimenting with various styles of fsm.
My module is a simple priority arbiter. The non-blocking assignment
statement is not behaving the way I expected. On line 17 and 18 there
are two non-blocking assignments, but they don't occur on the same
cycle... the first one (gnt0 <= #1 0) occurs on cycles later then the
ensuing assign(state <= next_state)... can someone explain to me why I
attached the simulation result and complete source code for your
1 | always @(posedge clk)
2 | begin : OUTPUT_LOGIC
3 | if (reset) begin
4 | gnt0 <= #1 0;
5 | gnt1 <= #1 0;
6 | state <= #1 IDLE;
7 | end else begin
8 | $monitor(" time for state assignment %d is %d \n",state, $time);
9 | case (state)
10 | IDLE: begin
11 | $display("set both gnt0 and gnt1 0");
12 | state <= #1 next_state;
13 | gnt0<= #1 0;
14 | gnt1<= #1 0;
15 | end
16 | GNT0: begin
17 | gnt0 <= #1 1;
18 | state <= #1 next_state;
19 | end
20 | GNT1: begin
21 | $display(" time for gnt1 assertion is %d ", $time);
22 | gnt1 <= #1 1;
23 | state <= #1 next_state;
24 | $display(" gnt1 is %d at time %d ", gnt1,$time);
25 | end
26 | default: begin
27 | state <= #1 next_state;
28 | state <= IDLE;
29 | end
30 | endcase
31 | end
32 | end