
Forum: Analog Circuits Half bridge motor controller

von Anna (log)

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Hi everyone,

I am trying to simulate in LTspice a half-bridge 60V motor controller 
with a 60% PWM signal. While simulating, I noticed that the voltage and 
current appear abnormal. I have attached some screenshots and the file.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you!

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von Thomas W. (goaty)

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Current seems normal to me for given schematic.

von Michael B. (laberkopp)

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Anna schrieb:
> I noticed that the voltage and current appear abnormal

Looks ok.

The first high doesn't come through because the boost capacitor had no 
time to charge.

The voltage decreases slowly because your pwm is too fast for the 

The current stays at 0 because if you either turn on the lower OR turn 
on the high side MOSFET there is never a closed circuit.

Probably the motor coil should go to GND and the half bridge may act as 
an synchronous rectifier.

von Matthias S. (Company: matzetronics) (mschoeldgen)

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When using the IR2110 it makes no sense to simultaneously drive HIN and 
LIN. Those signals should be complementary with an additional deadtime 
so that never both MOSFets are conducting at the same time.

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von Thomas W. (goaty)

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Scheint doch mit beiden gebrückt zu gehen, war also Unfug was ich 
geschrieben hab.

von Anna (log)

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Thank you Thomas for your support! However, I think it's not normal that 
the current in the coil is zero. Also, the voltage in the MOSFET gates, 
both high side and low side, also seems abnormal.

von Anna (log)

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Ok Thanks Thomas!

von Anna (log)

Attached files:

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Hi Michael,

Thank you so much for your support. I connected the motor coil to GND as 
you mentioned, and the simulation has improved :) However, I think the 
current is still too low to drive a 60V 10A motor. Also, the voltage at 
the gate of the low side MOSFET is 12V, which I think should be higher. 
You can find the new simulation attached for further clarification.

Thank you again for your time and support!

von Anna (log)

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Ok Thank you so much for your support Matthias!

von Michael B. (laberkopp)

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Anna schrieb:
> I think the current is still too low to drive a 60V 10A motor.

You have no freewheeling (ideally supported by synchronous rectifying).

> Also, the
> voltage at the gate of the low side MOSFET is 12V, which I think should
> be higher


von Thomas W. (goaty)

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Here is also something about the chip:
Beitrag "Infineon PSpice Lib in LtSpice einbinden"

von Anna (log)

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Hi everyone,
I tried to simulate the circuit, but the output voltage and current 
waveforms in the coil do not appear ideal. I added a freewheeling diode 
parallel to the load and some resistors on the gates to discharge the 
gate capacitance, but it seems insufficient. I am a student and would 
greatly appreciate your explanations and support regarding this issue. 
If you have any solutions or recommendations, please feel free to share 
them with me. Thank you so much! Attached are the circuit and 

von Michael B. (laberkopp)

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Anna schrieb:
> I tried to simulate the circuit

You didn't understand anything.

The IR2110 can not operate (close) the high side MOSFET at the same time 
as the low side MOSFET as it requires the low side MOSFET to charge the 
boost capacitor in the off time of the high side MOSFET by connecting VS 
to GND.

You can only operate one MOSFET to PWM the motor voltage and may use the 
other for active frewheeling.

It is 100% sufficient to switch just one power connection of the motor, 
there is no need to break both.

von Anna (log)

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Ok, thank you, Michael, for your support!

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von Matthias (matzetronics_en)

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Michael B. wrote:
> The IR2110 can not operate (close) the high side MOSFET at the same time
> as the low side MOSFET as it requires the low side MOSFET to charge the
> boost capacitor in the off time of the high side MOSFET by connecting VS
> to GND.

I tried to direct the focus of the TO to this already on 20th of June 
but it was ignored. The circuit will never operate properly with LIN and 
HIN driven by the same signal.

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