
Forum: FPGA, VHDL & Verilog How to instantiate another vhd file inside testbench, where the testbench is used for opening files

von Zahid (zahidsaleem)

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I am trying to learn how to read from file in VHDL, the vhdl_code.vhd 
implements a low pass moving average filter, I already have a separate 
vhdl code Read_File.vhd that reads the data, now I have to read the 
column data from the file data2fpga.dat, and perform the low-pass 
operations in vhdl_code.vhd. My question is, should the Read_file.vhd 
should run as testbench or, how exactly i can perform this, i.e. how can 
I invoke the vhdl_code.vhd into Read_file.vhd? Any guidance will be 
highly appreciated. Thanks.

von Lothar M. (Company: Titel) (lkmiller) (Moderator)

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Zahid wrote:
> should the Read_file.vhd should run as testbench
A testbench does not have any ports in its entity, because it is the 
uppermost level of the design. So it looks like the ReadFile may be a 
component of your testbench. And the testbench manages the 
interconnets between the ReadFile and lab111 components.

von Zahid (zahidsaleem)

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@Von Lothar, I never coded a testbench which has a component that 
happens to be a testbench itself, this is the first time I am seeing it, 
the problem is the clk signal, both entity lab111 and ReadFile have clk 
ports, you are right, testbench should NOT have any ports, but I tried 
to perform the operations nevertheless, & I got the error
"Declaration with designator "clk" already exists in this region."
  If it is not much to ask, I could not find any tutorials that have 
similar problems, can you guide me to any literature or learning videos 
so that I can learn & solve this problem?

Thanks a lot for replying to the previous message.


von Lothar M. (Company: Titel) (lkmiller) (Moderator)

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In the testbench you define ak clock signal and in the very same test 
bench you connect that clock signal to all components needing that clock 

Look how iI do it there with some components (its German, but Google 
translator will do it):
- http://www.lothar-miller.de/s9y/archives/57-Sinusausgabe-mit-PWM.html

Top level is the testbench which generates a clock signal. In the test 
bench the clock ist connected to the SinusPWM. And in the SinusPWM there 
are two components which also get that clock signal routed through.

So all in VHDL designs there only are entities which act as components 
in other entities.

: Edited by Moderator
von Zahid (zahidsaleem)

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Ok, thank you Mr. Lothar, your comment "So it looks like the ReadFile 
may be a component of your testbench." solved my issue. You are right, 
testbenches should not have entities, i created a new testbench, 
instantiated both the ReadFile and Lab111 as components, make the 
necessary port and generic maps & was finally able to load the data into 
the testbench. Thanks again.
Best of Regards,

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