
Forum: µC & Digital Electronics AVR Assembler: Debugging IR Remote Control Transmitter

von Johannes F. (jofe)

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I'm trying to develop a simple infrared remote-control transmitter, 
using an ATmega88A, assembler and the NEC modulation (please see 
for details on that).

My program isn't working correctly yet – after testing with a receiver 
failed, I connected a red LED to the output which produced the result 
that can be seen in the attached video: the LED blinks, but the 
transmission stretches out for circa one second, which is far too long – 
an NEC transmission should take about 60 ms.

I initially suspected wrong timer settings, but couldn't find any error. 
After reading through my code again and again, I decided to post it here 
in the hope that someone might have a look at it and maybe find the 

Thank you in advance for any help.

Best regards

– Johannes

von Lothar M. (Company: Titel) (lkmiller) (Moderator)

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Johannes F. wrote:
> I connected a red LED to the output which produced the result
A flashing LED is way too little to debug a serial interface. You should 
connect a oscilloscope instead. Because with that you can determine the 
real pulse times and check it against the mentioned 
and find out the factor your timing is wrong.

When its "fairly ecacxt" the factor 8 you shuld check the correct 
setting of the clkdiv8 fuse in your AVR.

: Edited by Moderator
von Johannes F. (jofe)

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Lothar M. wrote:
> You should connect a oscilloscope instead.

Yes, that's true of course, but unfortunately I don't have a DSO at the 

Lothar M. wrote:
> When its "fairly ecacxt" the factor 8 you shuld check the correct
> setting of the clkdiv8 fuse in your AVR.

I already checked that; it's not programmed (i.e. value 1).
I used the UART successfully with the same hardware directly before I 
flashed the current program, so the clock frequency has to be correct.

von S. L. (sldt)

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(Wilhelm M. - are you watching?)

Well now how about that?:
 ldi   temp0, 1<<WGM12  ; CTC mode
 xout  TCCR1A, temp0

WGM12 resides in TCCR1B.

von Johannes F. (jofe)

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S. L. wrote:
> WGM12 resides in TCCR1B.

Oh yes, that was a mistake – thank you!

I corrected that and, in addition, another error (forgot to clear the 
COM0A0 bit of TCCR0A in the ir_carrierOff macro, which caused the LED 
not to be switched off at the end of every other transmission).

Now, it works perfectly.

Again, S. L., thanks for your help!

Have a nice evening,
– Johannes

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