I'm quite new to Verilog but I've some code working but from time to
time I got some uncompresible behaviour and I think I lake some knoledge
in Verilog.
Here is a quick example of a more complex project, it works with div2
module (/* go */) and don't with div5 module (/* no go */). Go / no go
means I got ssoc signal on LED2 debug output or not.
1 | module test_div_1(
2 | /* iCEstick clk (12MHz) */
3 | input clkin,
4 |
5 | /* 10MHz ref_in */
6 | input ref_in,
7 |
8 | /* iCEstick leds */
9 | output LED_GREEN,
10 | output LED0, output LED1, output LED2, output LED3,
11 |
12 | /* ADC (DIV) spi */
13 | );
14 |
15 |
16 | SB_PLL40_CORE #(
18 | /* $ icepll -i 12 -o 30 */
19 | /* clkin=12MHz */
20 | .DIVR(0), /* DIVR = 0 (div 1) */
21 | .DIVF(79), /* DIVF = 79 (x80) */
22 | .DIVQ(5), /* DIVQ = 5 (div 6) */
23 | /* main_clk=30MHz */
24 | .FILTER_RANGE(3'b001) /* FILTER_RANGE = 1 */
25 | ) uut (
27 | .RESETB(1'b1),
28 | .BYPASS(1'b0),
29 | .REFERENCECLK(clkin),
30 | .PLLOUTCORE(main_clk)
31 | );
32 |
33 |
34 | wire main_clk;
35 | wire ref_in;
36 | wire soc;
37 | reg ssoc;
38 | wire spi_m_clk;
39 |
40 | /* soc generator (125kHz) */
41 | div80 d80_1(ref_in, soc);
42 |
43 | /* cs and clk generation */
44 |
45 | /* -----\/----- EXCLUDED -----\/-----
46 | div2 div_spi_clk(ref_in, spi_m_clk); /-* go *-/
47 | -----/\----- EXCLUDED -----/\----- */
48 | div5 div_spi_clk(ref_in, spi_m_clk); /* no go */
49 |
50 | always @ (negedge spi_m_clk)
51 | ssoc<=soc;
52 |
53 |
54 | /* TODO: remove (debug) */
55 | assign LED0=spi_m_clk;
56 | assign LED1=soc;
57 | assign LED2=ssoc;
58 | assign LED3=1'b0;
59 | endmodule /* # test_div_1 end # */
60 |
61 | module div80(input in,
62 | output out);
63 |
64 | wire in;
65 | reg out;
66 | reg [6:0] c;
67 |
68 | initial
69 | begin
70 | c=7'b0000000;
71 | end
72 |
73 | always@(posedge in)
74 | begin
75 | if(c>=79)
76 | begin
77 | c<=0;
78 | out<=1'b1;
79 | end
80 | else
81 | begin
82 | out<=1'b0;
83 | c<=c+1;
84 | end
85 | end
86 |
87 | endmodule /* # div80 end # */
88 |
89 |
90 | module div5(input in,
91 | output out);
92 |
93 | wire in;
94 | reg out;
95 | reg [2:0] c;
96 |
97 | initial
98 | begin
99 | c=3'b000;
100 | end
101 |
102 | always@(posedge in)
103 | begin
104 | if(c>=4)
105 | begin
106 | c<=0;
107 | out<=1'b1;
108 | end
109 | else
110 | begin
111 | out<=1'b0;
112 | c<=c+1;
113 | end
114 | end
115 |
116 | endmodule /* # div5 end # */
117 |
118 | module div2(input in,
119 | output out);
120 |
121 | wire in, out;
122 | reg c;
123 |
124 | always@(posedge in)
125 | begin
126 | c<=!c;
127 |
128 | end
129 |
130 | assign out=c;
131 |
132 | endmodule /* # div2 end # */
div80 module output works fine...
Am I wrong in something about wire/reg? Or what ever?
If it matter I'm using ice40stick and icestorm toolchain (yosys, nextpnr
and icepack).
Could you help me?