
Forum: FPGA, VHDL & Verilog Adjusting a number after performing the multiplication between two normalized numbers

von Mariana D. (vtrmg)

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Good morning, I have just implemented a multiplication between two 
numbers, and before that, I normalized them by multiplying each of them 
by a power of 2. However, the result of the multiplication needs to be 
adjusted by dividing it by a power of 2.
I've attempted to implement a division, but it appears that the result 
will be a floating-point number, and I'll need to round it up to the 
nearest integer. Can anyone assist me with this?

von DSGV-Violator (Guest)

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Please, show us the code you've written and simulated so far.

von Lothar M. (Company: Titel) (lkmiller) (Moderator)

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Mariana D. wrote:
> I have just implemented a multiplication
On what hardware? With which HDL?

> dividing it by a power of 2
Fairly simple: don't use the LSB.

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