I am trying to code a generic one-hot binary decoder in VHDL. The
following is the current code that I have come up with:
1 | library ieee;
2 | use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
3 | use ieee.numeric_std.all;
4 |
5 | entity address_decoder is
6 | generic(
7 | NUM_BITS: natural := 3);
8 | port(
9 | input: in std_logic_vector(NUM_BITS - 1 downto 0);
10 | output: out std_logic_vector((2 ** NUM_BITS) - 1 downto 0));
11 | end address_decoder;
12 |
13 | architecture structural of address_decoder is
14 | begin
15 | G_OUTPUT: for i in 0 to (2 ** NUM_BITS) - 1 generate
16 | output(i) <= '1' when unsigned(input) = i else '0';
17 | end generate G_OUTPUT;
18 | end structural;
This code generates a comparator (is-equal) in series with a multiplexer
to choose between '0' or '1' according to the output of the comparator
for each of the final output bits, as in inferred from the 'when'
statement. However, if I use the following architecture, a decoder
component will be correctly inferred, but also a latch for the output
bits, which I presume is due to incomplete assignment to the output
1 | architecture structural of address_decoder is
2 | begin
3 | -- Compiler nags the choice must be a constant.
4 | --output <= (to_integer(unsigned(input)) => '1', others => '0');
5 |
6 | -- Try this incomplete assignment instead.
7 | output(to_integer(unsigned(input))) <= '1';
8 | end structural;
So my question is, if there is any way to produce only a primitive
decoder component without latched output? or the above series of
comparators and multiplexers are close enough equivalents of a binary
decoder in gate level terms?