Hello together, How can i get the Arrhenius constants α and β from the information the Simulink® library of the battery block?
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Hello together, How can i get the Arrhenius constants α and β from the information the Simulink® library of the battery block?.
Well, the ln is nothing else than the logarithm to the base e. But if a logarithm has the same argument as its base, that is equal to 1 by definition. That means, divide K(T,ref) and R(T,ref) to switch it on left side. Now multiplicate with ln (left and right side. That means for right side follwing facts: ln^(e) = 1 1 × your alpha oder beta term. The alpha and beta part comes now out / down from exp. part. For left side you have to consider the ln calculation rules: ln(R/R(T,ref)). The Temperature terms on the right side can you easily handle with a division and you will get alpha and beta free. I hope that helps you.
thanks for the feedback though that wasn't what I meant because R(T) and K(T) are unknown. The only question was how I alpha and beta from the information the Simulink battery block library could get
Ah ok,.. for my understanding: You should find out the R and K value over a thereotical estimation or lab trials. For my opinion: alpha and beta are open values which are maybe not further defined in Simulink. Well, more details are given in literature, or Simulink Help Section for a definition of different battery material setups? But, i dont know it sure.
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