I am trying to simulate a micro blaze microprocessor demo design with
ram and ports in Modelsim. For XSIM in Xilinx Vivado environment it
allows to synthesize and implement. My problem is to start the
I have exported the scripts from Vivado and got a folder exportsim /
modelsim, where I expected a do file to be used with ModelSims TCL
In fact there is a script with extension *.sh wich I do not know how to
The readme says: "run ./demo.sh" but this does not work.
Leaving away the . or changing \ also has to result.
Anyone has an idea how to start this script?
It looks like this:
1 | # Script info
2 | echo -e "demo.sh - Script generated by export_simulation (Vivado v2021.1 -id)\n"
3 | |
4 | # Main steps
5 | run()
6 | {
7 | setup
8 | compile
9 | simulate
10 | }
11 | |
12 | # RUN_STEP: <compile>
13 | compile()
14 | {
15 | source compile.do ..
16 | }
So there are some known commands, but i never had used an sh before.
From a search I found that this might by a bash script and can be
executed by "exec bash" but i did not get it running.
So far I know this is unix shell. Is that correct, that Vivado exports
only for unix style?
Ideas welcomed.