First I would like to thank everyone who always helping (=, even if I am
not always clear.
I had a lot of trouble creating a system, I'm trying to make it start
working once until she finish working. The system needs to wait for
external signal ' ' in order to work one more tw
When I write two different independent if conditions, then an error
message comes out (p1 code) : [Synth 8-6859] multi-driven net on pin
U4/chek with 1st driver pin 'U4/chek_reg__0/Q'
(p1 code)
1 | library IEEE;
2 | use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL;
3 |
4 | -- Uncomment the following library declaration if using
5 | -- arithmetic functions with Signed or Unsigned values
7 |
8 | -- Uncomment the following library declaration if instantiating
9 | -- any Xilinx leaf cells in this code.
10 | --library UNISIM;
11 | --use UNISIM.VComponents.all;
12 |
13 | entity eieo is
14 | Port (
15 | Tenb : in STD_LOGIC;
16 | clk : in std_logic;
18 | startcountenb : in std_logic;
19 | eo : out STD_LOGIC;
20 | ei : out STD_LOGIC);
21 | end eieo;
22 |
23 | architecture Behavioral of eieo is
24 | signal chek : std_logic:='0';
25 | signal counter : integer range 0 to 100000000:=0;
26 | type state_type is(s1, s2, s3, s4);
27 | signal state : state_type :=s1;
28 | constant n1 : integer :=4001;
29 | constant n2: integer :=3001;
30 | constant n3 : integer :=4001;
31 | constant n4 : integer :=2557011;
32 | signal tempoe : std_logic:='0';
33 | signal tempie : std_logic:='0';
34 |
35 |
36 | begin
37 |
38 |
39 |
40 |
41 | process(clk,chek,Tenb,UPDOWN,state) begin
42 |
43 | if( UPDOWN='1') then
44 | if(falling_edge(Tenb)) then
45 | chek<='1'; end if;
46 | ----------&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&(((((((----------
47 | --else
48 | end if;
49 | ----------&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&(((((((----------
50 |
51 | if(rising_edge(clk) ) then
52 |
53 | if(chek='1') then
54 |
55 | counter<=counter+1;
56 |
57 | case state is
58 |
59 | when s1 => if( counter=n1) then tempie<=not(tempie);
60 | tempoe<='0';
61 | counter<=0;
62 | state<=s2;
63 |
64 | end if;
65 |
66 | when s2 => if( counter=n2) then tempie<=not(tempie);
67 | tempoe<='0';
68 | counter<=0;
69 | state<=s3;
70 | end if;
71 |
72 | when s3 => if( counter=n3) then tempoe<=not(tempoe);
73 | tempie<='0';
74 | counter<=0;
75 | state<=s4;
76 | end if;
77 |
78 | when s4 => if( counter=n4) then tempoe<=not(tempoe);
79 | tempie<='0';
80 | counter<=0;
81 |
82 | ----------&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&(((((((-----------
83 | chek<='0';
84 | ----------&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&(((((((-----------
85 |
86 | state<=s1;
87 | end if;
88 | end case;
89 | else
90 | tempie<='0';
91 | tempoe<='0';
92 | end if;
93 | end if;
94 | ----------&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&(((((((-----------
95 | --end if;
96 | ----------&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&(((((((----------
97 | end process;
98 | ei<=tempie;
99 | eo<=tempoe;
100 | end Behavioral;
When I write the " if's" under the same condition, I get another error
message (p2 code) : [Synth 8-5787] Register chek_reg in module eieo is
clocked by two different clocks in the same process. This may cause
simulation mismatches and synthesis errors. Consider using different
process statements
(p2 code)
1 | library IEEE;
2 | use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL;
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 | entity eieo is
7 | Port (
8 | Tenb : in STD_LOGIC;
9 | clk : in std_logic;
11 | startcountenb : in std_logic;
12 | eo : out STD_LOGIC;
13 | ei : out STD_LOGIC);
14 | end eieo;
15 |
16 | architecture Behavioral of eieo is
17 | signal chek : std_logic:='0';
18 | signal counter : integer range 0 to 100000000:=0;
19 | type state_type is(s1, s2, s3, s4);
20 | signal state : state_type :=s1;
21 | constant n1 : integer :=4001;
22 | constant n2: integer :=3001;
23 | constant n3 : integer :=4001;
24 | constant n4 : integer :=2557011;
25 | signal tempoe : std_logic:='0';
26 | signal tempie : std_logic:='0';
27 |
28 |
29 | begin
30 |
31 |
32 |
33 |
34 | process(clk,chek,Tenb,UPDOWN,state) begin
35 |
36 | if( UPDOWN='1') then
37 | if(falling_edge(Tenb)) then
38 | chek<='1'; end if;
39 | ----------&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&(((((((----------
40 | else
41 | --end if;
42 | ----------&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&(((((((----------
43 |
44 | if(rising_edge(clk) ) then
45 |
46 | if(chek='1') then
47 |
48 | counter<=counter+1;
49 |
50 | case state is
51 |
52 | when s1 => if( counter=n1) then tempie<=not(tempie);
53 | tempoe<='0';
54 | counter<=0;
55 | state<=s2;
56 |
57 | end if;
58 |
59 | when s2 => if( counter=n2) then tempie<=not(tempie);
60 | tempoe<='0';
61 | counter<=0;
62 | state<=s3;
63 | end if;
64 |
65 | when s3 => if( counter=n3) then tempoe<=not(tempoe);
66 | tempie<='0';
67 | counter<=0;
68 | state<=s4;
69 | end if;
70 |
71 | when s4 => if( counter=n4) then tempoe<=not(tempoe);
72 | tempie<='0';
73 | counter<=0;
74 | ----------&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&(((((((-----
75 | chek<='0';
76 | ----------&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&(((((((-----------
77 | state<=s1;
78 | end if;
79 | end case;
80 | else
81 | tempie<='0';
82 | tempoe<='0';
83 | end if;
84 | end if;
85 | ----------&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&(((((((-----------
86 | end if;
87 | ----------&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&(((((((----------
88 | end process;
89 | ei<=tempie;
90 | eo<=tempoe;
91 | end Behavioral;
What do you do in such cases, I didn't find any mention of it anywhere.