Hello, Help with terms in 5phase .V file cmps = ???? needs clarification dir = direction ena = enable fmod = ???? needs clarification hfc = ???? needs clarification mod = ???? needs clarification outs = out puts pul = pulse owm = pulse width modulation rst = reset Thank You
Please post the verilog file. bteddy wrote: > cmps = ???? needs clarification These are names of variables. The author of the code did invent these names on his own. So there is only one way to get full name: ask the author of the code.
Being a Verilog .v file it defines circuits in a FPGA. Correct? So, ena would equal a Enable signal line. rst would equal Reset signal line. I just need a little help defining: cmps = ???? needs clarification (is it a comparator OR a chip-multiprocessor OR a complex...) fmod = ???? needs clarification hfc = ???? needs clarification (is it a high frequency clock OR...) mod = ???? needs clarification (modulator OR a modual OR a modulus...) Thank You
bteddy wrote: > cmps = ???? needs clarification (is it a comparator OR a > chip-multiprocessor OR a complex...) > fmod = ???? needs clarification > hfc = ???? needs clarification (is it a high frequency clock OR...) > mod = ???? needs clarification (modulator OR a modual OR a modulus...) Simply look at what those signals are used for in the unknown and strictly secret 5phase.V file. bteddy wrote: > I just need a little help defining Help us helping you! FPGA Notfallseelsorge wrote: > post the verilog file. Simply attach it here. Or give a link to it when you found it on the www.
//TOP LEVEL MODULE module epm240(rst, ena,dir, pul, mod, cmps, outs, hfc); //module stepmot is the top level module. input rst, ena; //rst when asserted brings the shaft to reference position. input mod; //mod specifies step operation or continuous operation. input dir; //dir is for clockwise or anti clockwise motion. input pul; input [4:0] cmps; output hfc; output [9:0] outs; wire w_pwm; /* Instantiation of controller module.*/ stepper s1( .rst (rst), .ena (ena), .pul (pul), .dir (dir), .mod (mod), .pwm (w_pwm), .outs (outs), .cmps (cmps)); /* Instantiation of clock generate module. */ clk_generate cg1( .ena (ena), .pul (pul), .rst (rst), .pwm (w_pwm), .hfc (hfc)); endmodule /* Module stepper is the motor controller module */ module stepper (rst, ena, pul, dir, mod, pwm, outs, cmps); parameter A1 = 0, A2 = 10, B1 = 5, B2 = 15, C1 = 7, C2 = 19, D1 = 12, D2 = 2, E1 = 17, E2 = 6; input ena, pul, rst, dir, mod, pwm; input [4:0] cmps; output reg [9:0] outs; reg [19:0] position; reg fmod; always @(posedge pul or negedge rst) begin if(rst == 0) begin // array resets to 11111111100000000000 at rst=0 position = 20'b11111111100000000000; fmod = 1'b0; end else if(ena == 1) begin //mod=0/1 for half/full step //dir=0/1 for anticlockwise/clockwise motion if(fmod == 1 && mod == 1) begin position = {position[18:0], position[19]}; fmod = 1'b0; end if(mod == 0) begin if (dir == 0) position = {position[18:0], position[19]}; else position = {position[0], position[19:1]}; fmod = fmod + 1'b1; end else begin if (dir==0) position = {position[17:0], position[19:18]}; else position = {position[1:0], position[19:2]}; end end end always @(posedge pwm or negedge cmps[0] or negedge rst or negedge ena) begin if(rst == 0 || cmps[0] == 0 || ena == 0) outs[1:0] = 2'b00; else outs[1:0] = {position[A2], position[A1]}; end always @(posedge pwm or negedge cmps[1] or negedge rst or negedge ena) begin if(rst == 0 || cmps[1] == 0 || ena == 0) outs[3:2] = 2'b00; else outs[3:2] = {position[B2], position[B1]}; end always @(posedge pwm or negedge cmps[2] or negedge rst or negedge ena) begin if(rst == 0 || cmps[2] == 0 || ena == 0) outs[5:4] = 2'b00; else outs[5:4] = {position[C2], position[C1]}; end always @(posedge pwm or negedge cmps[3] or negedge rst or negedge ena) begin if(rst == 0 || cmps[3] == 0 || ena == 0) outs[7:6] = 2'b00; else outs[7:6] = {position[D2], position[D1]}; end always @(posedge pwm or negedge cmps[4] or negedge rst or negedge ena) begin if(rst == 0 || cmps[4] == 0 || ena == 0) outs[9:8] = 2'b00; else outs[9:8] = {position[E2], position[E1]}; end endmodule /*********************************************************************** *************************** * clock generate * clock = 3.3MHz pwm = clock / 256 = 13KHz half_current = pwm / ************************************************************************ **************************/ `timescale 1 ps / 1 ps module clk_altufm_osc_1p3( osc) /* synthesis synthesis_clearbox=1 */; output osc; wire wire_maxii_ufm_block1_osc; maxii_ufm maxii_ufm_block1( .arclk(1'b0), .ardin(1'b0), .arshft(1'b0), .bgpbusy(), .busy(), .drclk(1'b0), .drdout(), .drshft(1'b0), .osc(wire_maxii_ufm_block1_osc), .oscena(1'b1) `ifdef FORMAL_VERIFICATION `else `endif , .drdin(1'b0), .erase(1'b0), .program(1'b0) `ifdef FORMAL_VERIFICATION `else `endif , .ctrl_bgpbusy(), .devclrn(), .devpor(), .sbdin(), .sbdout() ); defparam maxii_ufm_block1.address_width = 9, maxii_ufm_block1.osc_sim_setting = 300000, maxii_ufm_block1.lpm_type = "maxii_ufm"; assign osc = wire_maxii_ufm_block1_osc; endmodule module clk_generate(ena, pul, rst, pwm, hfc); input ena, pul, rst; output reg pwm, hfc; wire osc; reg [14:0] count_hfc; reg [9:0] count_pwm; clk_altufm_osc_1p3 clk_altufm_osc_1p3_component ( .osc (osc)); always @(posedge osc or negedge rst or negedge ena) begin if (rst == 0 || ena == 0) begin // counter resets to 0 at rst=0 or pul=1 count_pwm[9:0] = 10'b0; pwm = 1'b0; end else begin count_pwm = count_pwm + 1'b1; pwm = count_pwm[8]; end end always @(posedge pwm or posedge pul or negedge rst or negedge ena) begin if(pul == 1 || rst == 0 || ena == 0) begin // counter resets to 0 at rst=0 or pul=1 count_hfc[14:0] = 15'b0; hfc = 1'b1; end else begin if (count_hfc[14] == 1) hfc = 1'b0; else count_hfc = count_hfc + 1'b1; end end endmodule /***********************************END OF PROGRAM.**********************************************/
bteddy wrote: > mod = ???? needs clarification (modulator OR a modual OR a modulus...) Why don't you simply look in the code? I can clearly see: //mod=0/1 for half/full step //dir=0/1 for anticlockwise/clockwise motion And pul is acting like an additional reset in some cases. All in all this code ist kind of dirty. Such things will break you bones:
1 | always @(posedge pul or negedge rst) begin // sensitive to pul and rst |
2 | if(rst == 0) begin // async reset... |
3 | position = 20'b11111111100000000000; |
4 | fmod = 1'b0; |
5 | end else if(ena == 1) begin |
6 | ... // but pul not used throughout the whole module |
As far as I see (as a VHDL guy) this code will not do whats expected and even so not what the simulation will show. And this here is a reason for firing the programmer:
1 | always @(posedge pwm or posedge pul or negedge rst or negedge ena) begin |
2 | if(pul == 1 || rst == 0 || ena == 0) begin |
This is an async combinatorial reset. Call me a seer cause I guarantee: this design will crash now and then without any reason.
Lothar M. wrote: > this code will not do whats expected In Verilog, this code is correct. Unlike in VHDL, the clock edge will not be evaluated explicitely inside the always block. But this > always @(posedge pwm or posedge pul or negedge rst or negedge ena) is code from the bottom of hell and will never work in silicon. Obviously it has been written without any hardware structure in mind.
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