Im a beginner at VHDL (vivado) and I have a task. Could someone explain to me why i have an error near signal which says: no viable alternative near input 'signal'. There is also an error near SevenSegm which says that its a duplicate declaration. Could someon explain to me what i have to do to fix this? TY very much
Tobias Hagenaars wrote: > Could someone explain to me why i have an error near signal which says: > no viable alternative near input 'signal'. You always must look at the code just before the reported error also. Here the synthesizer does not expect the keyword "signal" in line 27 after the comma in line 26. BTW: instead of the unlit segments "1111111" in the lines 20 to 26 you could show the hex characters A, b, c, d, E, F on the 7 segment displays...
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ah I fixed the signal error but what to do with the duplicate declaration error?
Tobias H. wrote: > but what to do with the duplicate declaration error? 1. Have a look at your code. 2. Use a text search tool and search for "SevenSegm". 3. Keep in mind: VHDL is NOT case sensitive! 4. How often does the text occure? 5. Where does ist occure? I see at least 2 definitions. One as a port and the second as a signal.
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