
Forum: Analog Circuits Electric Vehicle Charging Pile

von Cliff W. (cliff)

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I recently finished the GUI design for an electric car charging station 
and I'm thinking about how to implement this charging process through 
the hardware side? Do I need an additional power supply circuit or a 
battery pack or something? Or does anyone have a better idea?

von flip (Guest)

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KEBA chargers have a UDP network interface to control charging

von stefanus (Guest)

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Lets wait until friday before brainstorming

von Ms. Pigman (Guest)

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This is under all Pig.

von desinfector (Guest)

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von Tesla seine Schwester (Guest)

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desinfector wrote:
> Lade-Haufen?
> ;-]

Lade-Pfosten. Oder Voll-Pfosten, wenn der Akku fertig geladen ist.

von Cliff W. (cliff)

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flip wrote:
> KEBA chargers have a UDP network interface to control charging

That's thank you so much, I'll check it out!

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