
Forum: Analog Circuits Stepdowns in parallel

von Max A. (max_mma)

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I have read in some forums that you should not close stepdowns in 
parallel without certain safeguards. In my project I have a Raspberry Pi 
that controls servomotors. These pull so much that a 9A stepdown is not 
enough. Now I plan to connect several small stepdowns (XL 4015) in 
parallel to my LI ION battery block with BMS. Each stepdown then 
supplies 3 servomotors. I have a total of 18 servos, so 6 stepdowns.
Is that possible without causing any damage or the like?
I am very happy to receive an answer
Kind regards Max

: Moved by Moderator
von Lothar M. (Company: Titel) (lkmiller) (Moderator)

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Max A. wrote:
> Is that possible without causing any damage or the like?
No, because you do not use them in parallel at the output side. Just 
beware that you must connect all of them GND together.

> that a 9A stepdown is not enough.
If these are the usual 9 Chinese Ampere, then divide this value by 5 to 
get Real World Amperes.

: Edited by Moderator
von foobar (Guest)

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> you should not close stepdowns in parallel without certain safeguards.

That's about the outputs.  In your case only the inputs are connected 
which is fine.

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