Hey, I need a dual power supply for experiments with opamps. In order to not blow up my circuits too early I'd like to have some way to adjust a current limit. The LM317 (and LM337) datasheet shows a current limiting application using a resistor from output to adjust pin. Based on that I also found the following circuit, which seems to serve my purpose pretty nicely: https://www.eeweb.com/adjustable-current-limit-for-dual-power-supply/ The thing is, that the current sensing resistor (as they call it) at the output of the regulator gets the total current. That requires a special low value, high power part that I don't have in my collection and that seems bulky and expensive. Can someone point me to alternative designs that don't require power resistors and are still similarly simple?
giselach wrote: > That requires a special low value, high power part that I don't have in > my collection That's life. Connect a few that you have in parallel to solve that problem. Every other circuit will also have a problem that you don't have all the parts, and as you are too lazy to buy anything, there will be no solution. I don't like your current limiting circuit, but an LM3080 will not help.
Tell first how exact this has to be. In case of smooth limits enough you should try current mirrors with simple power transistors. Study this carefully: https://wiki.analog.com/university/courses/electronics/text/chapter-11
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