Hello everybody, I'm studying the primitives in verilog and I don't really see any use for them. I explain: Imagine you want to describe an AND gate, what would you do? a) assign OUT = A & B; b) and (OUT, A, B); So what is the true power of primitives? Why do they exist? I have seen that users can create our own primitives (UDP), but the reasoning I have is the same: Why use this option of the verilog if we can describe our circuit with a "module"? Thanks
Black wrote: > Why use this option of the verilog if we > can describe our circuit with a "module"? Depends if you wanna do behavioral or gate level/Netlist simulation. And how good (or brain dead) your synthesize tool is. See Gajski-diagram: https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Gajski-and-Kuhns-Y-Chart-1982_fig2_283142112
But, if we have: a) assign OUT = A & B; b) and (OUT, A, B); both are gate-level descriptions, aren't they?
Black wrote: > a) assign OUT = A & B; > > b) and (OUT, A, B); > > both are gate-level descriptions, aren't they? a) looks more behavioral, it could be iplemented with a mux-module also; i.e. mux(OUT (OUT), .sel (a), IN1 ('0'), IN2 (B)) and therefore with a different gate
I think I understand your explanation, so if I want to implement an AND gate in an FPGA it is absurd to use primitives right? Because FPGAs are going to use their Logic Blocks for it. Then, the use of primitives is done in the description of ASICs, right?
As i understand it, primitives can be defined for much more complex descriptions. It makes no sense for a simple gate, but this is a very simple primitive. With complexer primitives it will save you writing efford as you just have to use the primitive. For an FPGA it will somehow be mapped to ressorces available in the FPGA. For an ASIC it will be mapped to structure components in some Cell library.
What is the purpose of C-Code? - to be translated by a compiler from a high level description into executable binary code What ist the purpose of a verilog description? - A) to VERIfy LOGic, regardless if given as a netlist of circuitry or logic-equation AND ALSO B) to be translated from a (more or less) abstract description into a netlist describing (real) circuitry. The purpose (A)-Simulation of handwritten or generated netlist (with back propagation) was the first when verilog was 'invented', verilog was intended to be run in a simulator only. The purpose (B) -Synthesize were later add to the 'use-case' of verilog-coded hardware descriptions. It seems, that purpose (A) is mostly forgot by today's user, they are confused with the use of computer programming language as C.
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