
Forum: PCB Design & Technology Repalcing a 3D model connector in Altium Designer

von Manjuh (Guest)

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Hello there,

I have got an old Project in Altium Designer where I have to make some 
modifications. I would like to know the different steps to replace a 
connector on the 3D model PcbDoc.

Something like having connector "A" from one manufacturer on the 3D Pcb 
board and replace it with a connector "B" from another manufacturer.

Many thanks

von Wühlhase (Guest)

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1. Change the connector model in your footprint. Or make a new component 
with the new connector.

2a. If you made a new component, replace the new component in 
schematics. Then perform "import changes from schematics" into pcb.

2b. If you changes only your footpront, perform an "update from 
libraries" command.

von Manjuh (Guest)

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Wühlhase wrote:
> 1. Change the connector model in your footprint. Or make a new
> component
> with the new connector.
> 2a. If you made a new component, replace the new component in
> schematics. Then perform "import changes from schematics" into pcb.
> 2b. If you changes only your footpront, perform an "update from
> libraries" command.

Hi Wuhlhase,

Thanks for the help. Since I am a newbie with Altium I have downloaded a 
.step file of the new connector with the command place >> 3D Body I can 
have the new 3D Body on the PCB board but I can't replace the old one 
with this new one is there way to use this .stp file to make that 


von Wühlhase (Guest)

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There are two options, but one is explicit NOT recommanded.

NOT recommand but the fastest way:
1. Break the old connector footprint with "Unlock primitives" command. 
Attention: after this, you will move each primitive (pin, place print 
lines and other) independet from the footprint. Be careful.

2. Remove the old model and insert the new.

The recommanded way:
1. Open your connector footprint and replace the 3D model.
2. Save your footprint.
3. Perform an update from libraries command.

von Manjuh (Guest)

Attached files:

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Wühlhase wrote:
> There are two options, but one is explicit NOT recommanded.
> NOT recommand but the fastest way:
> 1. Break the old connector footprint with "Unlock primitives" command.
> Attention: after this, you will move each primitive (pin, place print
> lines and other) independet from the footprint. Be careful.
> 2. Remove the old model and insert the new.
> The recommanded way:
> 1. Open your connector footprint and replace the 3D model.
> 2. Save your footprint.
> 3. Perform an update from libraries command.

Hello Wuhlhase,

Thanks again for your help. I can't find the Footprint of the connector 
to replace the 3D model for the recommended way.
You can have a look on my Attachement.
Is there any other way to do it?


von Wühlhase (Guest)

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Ok, you have to replace the component from a known library. If you hae 
the two identical components from different libraries, there are two 
different components for Altium. Try the following:

Make a library from your project (somewhere in design or tools menue.)
Install the library.
Your old footprint should be in the new library.

Now rework the footprint of your connector in the way I described above.

In your schematics editor, replace the old component with the new 
footprint in schematics.

Perform an annotate schematics command. Recompile the project.

Now move to your pcb editor and perform an import from schematics 

von Wühlhase (Guest)

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There is another thing: In the window in your atachement, you have to 
select another library source.

Actually, you have selected the original source but this library is 
unreachable for you.

If you try "Any", Altium will search any library. Better is, you 
specifiy the library exactly with library path (selection point three).

von Maje L. (jaloten12)

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Changing the default altium library 
path also works

von Barkana A. (abdberkana)

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Had you been able to solve the problem of the connector ? If not you can 
share your files and i can help you change it, or at least guide you on 
how to change. If the footprint are the same you can go ahead and build 
your pcb.
for suitable connectors you can check: (https://www.tmartis.com)

hope that may help

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