I stumbled over this several times now and would like to know how to properly do this in VHDL: I have a signed number and would like to multiply this with a positive factor (which is given by an unsigned). VHDL does not allow me to multiply signed with unsigned. What I did so far: - Convert unsigned into std_logic_vector - Append leading zero bit - Convert into signed. Since the first bit is always zero, I know no that the number is always positive, although represented with a signed type. This process works but seems retarded to me. I googled how to do this properly but surprisingly didn't find a lot, although I can't believe I'm the only one having to do this. Any hint on how to write this in a clean proper way?
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signed unsigned schrieb: > - Convert unsigned into std_logic_vector Very bad idea, IMO. I would convert the unsigned number also to signed and do than the muplitply. If it's necessary to expand the vector size the function 'resize' will help. And I strongly suggest only use the signed/unsigned types from ieee.numeric_std.all library. Duke
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