Wow, that was incredibly sloppy! Not only did I forget to log in prior
to posting (causing me to be identified as a guest), but I also
included a variable in both source codes that was never declared. So I'm
repeating that post with all those problems fixed.
Okay, I isolated the problem in a little piece of code I wrote:
1 | module sid ();
2 |
3 | function integer execOp;
4 | input integer left;
5 | input integer right;
6 | input boolean add;
7 | begin
8 | execOp = add ? left + right : left * right;
9 | end
10 | endfunction
11 |
12 | endmodule
Then when I use Icarus to simulate it I get:
1 | D:\Hf\Verilog\Unpacked\Common>\Icarus\bin\iverilog -g2009 -o sid.out
2 | syntax error
3 | error: Syntax error defining function.
4 |
5 | D:\Hf\Verilog\Unpacked\Common>
And switching the order of arguments gives:
1 | module sid_sw ();
2 |
3 | function integer execOp;
4 | input boolean add;
5 | input integer left;
6 | input integer right;
7 | begin
8 | execOp = add ? left + right : left * right;
9 | end
10 | endfunction
11 |
12 | endmodule
When I execute Icarus I get:
1 | D:\Hf\Verilog\Unpacked\Common>\Icarus\bin\iverilog -g2009 -o sid_sw.out
2 | D:\Hf\Verilog\Unpacked\Common>\Icarus\bin\iverilog -g2009 -o sid_sw.out
3 | syntax error
4 | error: Syntax error defining function.
5 |
6 | D:\Hf\Verilog\Unpacked\Common>
Note that the syntax error is now on line 4, so declaring a boolean
input causes the syntax error both times. Any ideas why, anyone?