
Forum: Analog Circuits Dented Super Capacitors

von Andreas (Guest)

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Dear All,

I recently received some super capacitors from China.
Although carefully wrapped, they were dented on arrival (see 
They must have been mistreated prior to packaging.

Can someone please tell me if that damage is negligible and I can use 
them anyways?
Or should I insist on a refund?

Thank you very much in advance!

Kind regards

von Hausfreund (Guest)

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Dear Andreas, this should bei no Problem. You can shurely use Them. 
Sorry for wrong letters, but iam No native english speaker.
How much to pay for them and what are the value for voltage and 

Sincerly yours

von desinfector (Guest)

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If they still have the ratings they should have,
I thinks its possible to use them.

I had dented caps as well (OK... Motor-Caps)
and they lasted long as spare parts.

However, if Your project isnt too urgent,
U can still try to have them refunded.
Problem is, how would U prove it that U didn't mistreat them? ;-)

von Lothar M. (Company: Titel) (lkmiller) (Moderator)

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Andreas wrote:
> Can someone please tell me if that damage is negligible and I can use
> them anyways?
Maybe theres enough air around the inner electrolytic wrap. Maybe not.

> They must have been mistreated prior to packaging.
Of course: thats the way they look when someone picked them out of the 
waste bucket after they were thrown there due to failing the quality 
check. Or they simply have fallen down at the end of the production 
belt...  ;-)

> Or should I insist on a refund?
I would.

: Edited by Moderator
von Harald (Guest)

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Lothar M. wrote:

> Maybe theres enough air around the inner electrolytic wrap. Maybe not.

Maybe, maybe no, maybe rain, maybe snow. :-)

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