Attached ModelSim VHDL design of Generic Bus I/O MUX. Regards Alex.
You published pretty lot of files today, but a closer look shows, most of them are simple and some even faulty and crappy. This is not standard code quality.
Griz Lee wrote: > You published pretty lot of files today, but a closer look shows, >most of them >are simple Yes, these are "stones" for my large projects. >and some even faulty and crappy. This is not standard code quality. You can explain that to all and I'll try to repair it ... I will say you thanx. Regards alex.
Edited by User
Alexander S. wrote: > Attached ModelSim VHDL design of Generic Bus I/O MUX. I don't understand what the whole thing is good for. A tristate buffer usually needs not more than two lines. A few words to that code:
1 | InOutProcess: |
2 | process (ClockIn,nEnableIn) |
3 | begin
4 | if nEnableIn = '0' then |
5 | DataIO <= DataIn; |
6 | else
7 | DataIO <= (others => 'Z'); |
8 | end if; |
9 | if ClockIn'event and ClockIn = '1'then |
10 | case nResetIn is |
11 | when '0' => DataOutValid <= '0'; -- Data for trnsport from DataIO to FPGA valid |
12 | DataOut <= (others => '0'); |
13 | when others => |
14 | DataOutValid <= nEnableIn; -- Data for trnsport from DataIO to FPGA valid |
15 | DataOut <= DataIO; |
16 | end case; |
17 | end if; |
18 | end process InOutProcess; |
Never ever use combinatorial and synchronous descriptions in the same process! Additionally the simulation will be wrong due to the missing "DataIn" in the sensitivity list.
Edited by Moderator
Lothar M. wrote: > Never ever use combinatorial and synchronous descriptions in the same > process! You are right :
1 | library ieee; |
2 | use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; |
3 | |
4 | entity InOutGen is |
5 | GENERIC (DataRange : integer); |
6 | port
7 | (
8 | ClockIn, -- General Clock |
9 | nResetIn, -- General Reset active low |
10 | nEnableIn : in std_logic; -- Active 0 for read from FPGA |
11 | DataIn : in std_logic_vector(DataRange downto 0); -- Data for trnsport from FPGA to DataIO |
12 | DataOutValid : out std_logic; -- Data for trnsport from DataIO to FPGA valid |
13 | DataOut : out std_logic_vector(DataRange downto 0); -- Data for trnsport from DataIO to FPGA |
14 | DataIO : inout std_logic_vector(DataRange downto 0) -- External Data Bus |
15 | );
16 | end InOutGen; |
17 | |
18 | architecture ArchInOutGen of InOutGen is |
19 | |
20 | begin
21 | |
22 | OutProcess: |
23 | process (nEnableIn) |
24 | begin
25 | if nEnableIn = '0' then |
26 | DataIO <= DataIn; |
27 | else
28 | DataIO <= (others => 'Z'); |
29 | end if; |
30 | end process OutProcess; |
31 | |
32 | InProcess: |
33 | process (ClockIn) |
34 | begin
35 | if ClockIn'event and ClockIn = '1'then |
36 | case nResetIn is |
37 | when '0' => |
38 | DataOutValid <='0'; -- Data for trnsport from DataIO to FPGA valid |
39 | DataOut <= (others => '0'); |
40 | when others => |
41 | DataOutValid <= nEnableIn; -- Data for trnsport from DataIO to FPGA valid |
42 | DataOut <= DataIO; |
43 | end case; |
44 | end if; |
45 | end process InProcess; |
Thank you for good cooperation. Regards Alex.
Alexander S. wrote:
1 | OutProcess: |
2 | process (nEnableIn) |
3 | begin
4 | if nEnableIn = '0' then |
5 | DataIO <= DataIn; |
6 | else
7 | DataIO <= (others => 'Z'); |
8 | end if; |
9 | end process OutProcess; |
As already said: the simulation doesn't fit reality due to an incomplete sensitivity list. DataIn is missing. All in all this process is just bloating code. It can be replaced by 1 concurrent line of code:
1 | DataIO <= DataIn when nEnableIn='0' else (others => 'Z'); |
Edited by Moderator
Lothar M. wrote: > As already said: the simulation doesn't fit reality due to an incomplete > sensitivity list. DataIn is missing. Thanx.
1 | |
2 | OutProcess: |
3 | process (nEnableIn,DataIn) |
4 | begin
5 | if nEnableIn = '0' then |
6 | DataIO <= DataIn; |
7 | else
8 | DataIO <= (others => 'Z'); |
9 | end if; |
10 | end process OutProcess; |
Usually, I use synchronous only process which have only clock in the sensitivity list. Regards Alex.
Edited by Moderator
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