Hi, I'm taking an electronics class for college and I am very behind because of some family issues that I've been dealing with. I need to pass this class to graduate. I am trying to connect this LCD character display: https://www.mouser.com/ProductDetail/Newhaven-Display/NHD-0208AZ-RN-YBW?qs=sGAEpiMZZMt7dcPGmvnkBq9RSAvEJGmRHW9dooi1h5g%3D to the Arty-S7-25 FPGA, and program it using my computer to display text. I have no idea how to go about this, and the steps or software that I have to use. I have read that Vivado, and Verilog might be useful. If anyone could provide a general guide, or tips to doing this as quickly as possible I would really appreciate it. Would this be easier to do using an LCD Driver? And if so, how would I go about using it?
John wrote: > I am trying to connect this LCD character display Thats a usual HD44780 compatible display. > I have no idea how to go about this, and the steps or software that I > have to use > I am very behind You will need to spend some time on this execise. It is tough stuff and there is no shortcut to do it in half a day... > I have read that Vivado, and Verilog might be useful. Vivado is the toolchain for Xilinx devices. And Verilog is a hardware description language. VHDL is one also. > If anyone could provide a general guide, or tips to doing this as quickly > as possible I would really appreciate it. Install the toolchain and start with 1. simulating a flashing LED and then 2. run that flashing LED description on your hardware. Then do the very same same with a chasing light. And then have a closer look at your exercise. At that point you can use Google: https://www.google.com/search?q=verilog+44780 And as always: 1. simulate it 2. run it on hardware
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