
Forum: Analog Circuits Unknown logo on a diode

von Luca (Guest)

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Hey there,
I had found two diodes among the parts that came with my cabinet. They 
are some 13Z6Fs. I searched everywhere, there's no stock for this diode 
anymore. Does anybody know or has ever seen this logo on a diode or 
else? Maybe some chinese, japanese company? (Picture attached)
Thanks for help!

von gk (Guest)

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The manufactor was Sescosem(French), now ST.

von hinz (Guest)

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gk wrote:
> The manufactor was Sescosem(French), now ST.


And Luca has a 1W zener.

von Luca (Guest)

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Great thanks for that!
I guess it could be hard to get some more of them. I use them for 
clipping in a fuzz circuit and they sound just great. It also says 3.9V 
Zener. The Vf is kind of different from another (one has 0.55V, the 
other 0.7V). May I use some different zeners with those forward voltages 
and achieve the same result?

von gk (Guest)

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I don't know, but maybe your zener is aquivalent to BZY92.


von A Name (Guest)

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Luca wrote:
> I use them for
> clipping in a fuzz circuit and they sound just great. It also says 3.9V
> Zener. The Vf is kind of different from another (one has 0.55V, the
> other 0.7V). May I use some different zeners with those forward voltages
> and achieve the same result?

Fuzz circuit? Same result? Hmmmm ...

This is not an exact science, and what sounds good for someone sounds 
bad for the next one. Get a few from different manufacturers and just 
try them until you find some that sound the way you like it. Get current 
zeners for a few cent. Avoid wasting your money on historic components 
from that exact manufacturer from dubious resellers.

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