
Forum: FPGA, VHDL & Verilog Vhdl clockdivider

von Kadir A. (kadirakg28)

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Design a Clock divider that divides clock to 2,4,8,16 according to 
binary input of x i.e.x equals “00”,”01”,”10”,”11”.assume that you have 
100 mhz clock frequency

von S. Lee Cooper (Guest)

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von Kadir A. (kadirakg28)

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S. Lee Cooper wrote:
> Stupid, see
> https://www.codeproject.com/Tips/444385/Frequency-Divider-with-VHDL-2
> und use your brain.

You are soo rude i dont know this section and i try to learn But thank 
your help ?

von Lothar M. (Company: Titel) (lkmiller) (Moderator)

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Kadir A. wrote:
> Design a Clock divider that divides clock to 2,4,8,16 according to
> binary input of x i.e.x equals “00”,”01”,”10”,”11”.
So, start with something, then we try to help you.

> assume that you have 100 mhz clock frequency
Thats unnecessary, redundant information. A clock divider will divide 
10kHz with the same technique as it does with 100MHz.

> mhz
milli Hertz?

Kadir A. wrote:
> You are soo rude
Welcome in real life. Did you check out the information provided in the 
link? I find it useful.

von Cle (Guest)

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Kadir A. wrote:
> You are soo rude i dont know this section and i try to learn But thank
> your help ?

Even though I find rude words unnecessary, you just posted something 
that looks like a homework question, badly formatted, without any input 
or suggestions from yourself and then you complained after someone 
provided you information.

Don't expect people to put work into your problem if you don't show 
effort yourself first, especially if you ask people on the internet and 
they help you for free and without knowing you at all.

Etiquette matters.
Good luck to you.

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