Hi, I have to do a project in VHDL on NEXYS3 Spartan6 FPGA board. I tried many things but nothing actually worked for me. Could anyone possibly help me and write the code how to make a digital clock based on 7 segment display? It should display hours and minutes, contain 2 switches to increment hours and minutes and have a diode ticking every seconds. Id like to see as primitive code as its possible to understand easily. Thanks for help
peterkraft wrote: > help me and write the code Whoms homework is this? Why don't you start with something and when you encounter a specific problem then you ask for a hint. > have a diode ticking every seconds. Start with this task. Give your own try two evenings. At least... Afterwards there's a super simple solution for a stop watch: http://www.lothar-miller.de/s9y/archives/88-VHDL-vs.-Verilog-am-Beispiel-einer-Stoppuhr.html It's fairly easy to understand and adapt to your job. Try Google translate, it's German.
1 | library ieee; |
2 | use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; |
3 | use ieee.std_logic_arith.all; |
4 | use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all; |
5 | |
6 | entity clockdigit is |
7 | port (clk1 : in std_logic; |
8 | seconds : out std_logic_vector(5 downto 0); |
9 | minutes : out std_logic_vector(5 downto 0); |
10 | hours : out std_logic_vector(2 downto 0) |
11 | );
12 | end clockdigit ; |
13 | |
14 | architecture Behavioral of clockdigit is |
15 | signal sec,min,hour : integer range 0 to 60; |
16 | signal count : integer :=1; |
17 | signal clk : std_logic :='0'; |
18 | begin
19 | |
20 | |
21 | process(clk1) |
22 | begin
23 | if(clk1'event and clk1='1') then |
24 | count <=count+1; |
25 | if(count = 50000000) then |
26 | clk <= not clk; |
27 | count <=1; |
28 | end if; |
29 | end if; |
30 | end process; |
31 | |
32 | process(clk) |
33 | begin
34 | |
35 | if(clk'event and clk='1') then |
36 | sec <= sec+ 1; |
37 | if(sec = 59) then |
38 | sec<=0; |
39 | min <= min + 1; |
40 | if(min = 59) then |
41 | hour <= hour + 1; |
42 | min <= 0; |
43 | if(hour = 23) then |
44 | hour <= 0; |
45 | end if; |
46 | end if; |
47 | end if; |
48 | end if; |
49 | |
50 | end process; |
51 | |
52 | end Behavioral; |
I've done something like this, but I still dont know how to display it on 7-seg display. Id like to display hours and minutes, and make a ticking diode every second. Could you possibly help with the code?
Edited by Moderator
peterkraft wrote: > I've done something like this It is NOT a proper way to generate clocks inside a FPGA. You will get a warning for such a design style. Use clock-enable signals for that. > if(count = 50000000) then This is the well known "off-by-one" error. Not much of a problem here, because it will get only 1/50000000 deviation for your clock. That means your clock will be off by one second after almost a year due to that error. But when you would do that to count milliseconds, then the deviation would be a quarter of an hour... > Could you possibly help with the code? Did you click on that link? There you can see 1. how to use the numeric_std package and 2. how to use clock enables and 3. how to get the digits to the display and 4. that it is much better to count each of the 4 digits by its own, so it can easily be displayed. Because with your code you encounter the problem to fiddle the 4 digits out the hours and miuntes. BTW: > I've done something like this Pls use the [vhdl] tags to wrap your code.
Edited by Moderator
write your code more readable:
1 | process(clk) |
2 | begin
3 | if rising_edge(clk) then |
4 | --add 'tick every second' condition here
5 | if sec = 59 then |
6 | sec <= 0; |
7 | else
8 | sec <= sec + 1; |
9 | end if; |
10 | |
11 | if min = 59 then |
12 | min <= 0; |
13 | else
14 | min <= min + 1; |
15 | end if; |
16 | |
17 | if hour = 23 then |
18 | hour <= 0; |
19 | else
20 | hour <= hour + 1; |
21 | end if; |
22 | --add closing end if of tick condition here
23 | end if; |
24 | end process; |
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