Today at 12:11 pm
after i managed to set the Arduino to sleeping mode, the Watchdog
restarts the whole system after 8 seconds. So far so good. But instead
of restarting the complete system I would like to continue after the
"sleeping line" to repeat the sleeping phase 5 more times. I already
checked out the ATMEGA4809 Datasheet, but didn't find anything to deal
with this issue. On the other hand I found some sample codes from other
ATMEGA microcontroler models where it seems to be possible. For example
1 |
Here is the source of the datasheet I used as a reference:
1 |
Here is my code. Thanks in advance for your help!
1 | #include <avr/sleep.h>
2 | |
3 | int count = 0;
4 | void setup()
5 | {
6 | //Waiting time
7 | Serial.begin(9600);
8 | }
9 | |
10 | void loop()
11 | {
12 | for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++){
13 | delay(1000);
14 | Serial.println(count++);
15 | }
16 | watchdogOn();
17 | Serial.println("Continue here with operation to set the Arduino again in sleep mode");
18 | //watchdogOn();
19 | //watchdogOn();
20 | }
21 | |
22 | //Set Watchdog active to 8s and go to sleep
23 | void watchdogOn() {
24 | WDT.STATUS = WDT.STATUS & 01111111;
25 | while (!(WDT.STATUS == 0)){
26 | Serial.println("...");
27 | }
28 | CPU_CCP = 0xD8; //unlock...
29 | WDT.CTRLA = 0xB; //set WDT to 8 seconds
30 | Serial.println("Watchdog active...and going to sleep");
31 | delay(100);
32 | set_sleep_mode(SLEEP_MODE_PWR_DOWN);
33 | sleep_enable();
34 | sleep_mode();
35 | sleep_disable();
36 | delay(100);
37 | }
38 | |
39 | void watchdogOff() {
40 | WDT.STATUS = WDT.STATUS & 01111111;
41 | while (!(WDT.STATUS == 0)){
42 | Serial.println("...");
43 | }
44 | CPU_CCP = 0xD8;
45 | WDT.CTRLA = 0x0;
46 | Serial.println("Watchdog disabled...");
47 | }