Hello, I am posting this in this category because I think its a hardware/ electronic problem. short summary: I am using Raspberry Pi 3 with a ADXL345 Accelerometer. I want to read data only if the DATA_READY bit is set and a Interrupt is thrown. The data sheet of the sensor says: If new data is ready, the Interrupt is thrown and sets the PIN (which is mapped to the interrupt) to high. Its high until I read data from the data registers. If new accel data is available, the interrupt stays high (dont jumps to low and high again). I connected the INT1 PIN with PIN17 of my GPIO. As you see in the attachment, the four PINS on the top are the CS, MISO, MOSI and the SCLK. The lower one is PIN17, which is the interrupt. As you see it jumps up and down, changes its state every 450 us. (my sampling rate is just 0,78 Hz). I think there no problem with my code, but I will post it below. For the SPI comunication I am using the spidev.h and ioctl.h. For the interrupt handler I am using the wiringPi package, which works fine (obviously it calls my ISR way to often). Thank you very much in advance. Code is in the attachment.
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Manuel M. schrieb: > I think there no problem with my code, but I will post it below. I think you better done this way:
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> As you see it jumps up and down, changes its state every 450 us. (my > sampling rate is just 0,78 Hz). What happens when you don't read the sensor?
Lothar M. wrote: > I think you better done this way:Reply > Rules — please read before posting > Post long source code as attachment, not in the text Thank you for your answer. I attached the code. Lothar M. wrote: > What happens when you don't read the sensor? Actually I am not reading it right now. The sensor measures but I am not reading the data. If I disable the interrupts (cli()) or go in STAND_BY mode, the Interrupt PIN is at low (and stays low). If I try to read data if a interrupt is thrown, what happens is: Until my programm reads the data (in the ISR), the Interrupt jumped already up and down several times. So my ISR is called at least 2-3 times until I print out the measurements.
Here you see how I tryed to sample with 25 Hz. I used a stopwatch to measure the time. I stopped it after 250 samples, so normally after 10 seconds. But the stopwatch measured 9,2 seconds. Thats because the interrupt was thrown too often (and counted the interrupt counter). Maybe on the picture it looks like it, but the clusters happens also during the programm, not only at the beginning.
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