I'm at the beginner level in VHDL programming. Recently, I would like to develop a component in VHDL using an application with 4 LEDs connected to an FPGA board. By controlling the FPGA with a controlword/-byte the following functions need to be implemented for the LEDs: The 4 LEDs should be controllable unindependantly in brightness 10%, 30%, 60%, 85% and in frequency 0.2Hz, 0.5Hz, 1Hz, 2Hz. The chosen functionality should be repeated until another controlbyte is given. Any help or hints would be much appreciated to solve the task.
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Tanjila Tahsin wrote: > Any help or hints would be much appreciated to solve the task. Spilt the big problem in small problems and solve them one after the other. Connect the solved components together and you're done. > The 4 LEDs should be controllable unindependantly in brightness 10%, > 30%, 60%, 85% and in frequency 0.2Hz, 0.5Hz, 1Hz, 2Hz. What means frequency here? Should that become a chasing light with dimmable LED? Or should each LED blink with it's own frequency in its own brightness? > By controlling the FPGA with a controlword/-byte Where does that come from? 100% brightness is not needed? Then a 2 bit control word for brightness and a 2 bit word for the frequency is enough for one LED. Therefore you need 16 bit to control each LED independently.
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