
Forum: µC & Digital Electronics Suggestion on controller selection

von Aravind M. (raghav2984)

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Hi All,
I'm looking for a controller with wifi connectivity. The controller 
needs to interact with camera and touch screen input. It needs to have 
battery backup and few I/O to operate any 5V supply device.

NOTE: I'm completely new to this field. Looking forward for a good 
starting point.

Thanks everyone in advance.


von matzetronics (Guest)

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It sounds to me as if you're looking for a smartphone with an USB 
switching device? There's a camera, a touschscreen and an USB Port 
already there. All you'd need is a custom App and a USB Extender with a 
few digital I/Os.
Correct me if this isn't the easiest way to obtain a device.

von matzetronics (Guest)

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Oh, btw, USB switching devices can be either selfmade with e.g. the 
V-USB software for AVR:
or it could be a commercial device like the IO Warrior:

von Aravind M. (raghav2984)

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Hi Matzetronics,
Thank you for the reply. I hope that could be nice. But as I mentioned 
I'm really new to this area (I work on CNC controllers). This project is 
for a hobby and I may need to develop it later. I may need to use a 
Bar-code scanner as well. I'm not sure of how feasible it would be with 
a smart phone with respect to improvements. Also I need to think of 
programming aspect. Kindly provide your thoughts on the same.


von matzetronics (Guest)

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Aravind M. wrote:
> I may need to use a
> Bar-code scanner as well.

This is also a task that a smartphone could handle. Either way, most of 
the hardware you mentioned is already built into these devices and they 
come with Bluetooth connectivity as well which could be useful for 
external devices like an external scanner or ohter input.
Its just a thought and might be easier than a controller like e.g. the 
STM32F429 which has TFT driving, USB and e.g. SD Card ports.

If you think about writing your own software from scratch, have a look 
at the Discovery Boards from STM, like the above mentioned F429 or the 
latest F7 series.

von Aravind (Guest)

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Thank you so much for the suggestion. I will have a look over the boards 
this weekend. So they mention Aurdino uno connections. It means that it 
has a aurdino board to support i/o connections? If bar code reader is 
wired, then can we connect in stm f7 boards? And how about the camera 
connections? Sorry for too many silly questions. Once again thanks a 

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