The "use std _logic_1164.all" When I write a VHDL design how do I know what ieee libraries to use in the design ? Thanks Elico
Eliahu C. wrote: > When I write a VHDL design how do I know what ieee libraries to use in > the design ? B'coze you're intending to use one of the functions etc. declared in this lib and your synthesis tool is supporting it.
Eliahu C. wrote: > When I write a VHDL design how do I know what ieee libraries to use in > the design ? In fact you do not need any libraries. But when you don't invoke some of them, then you must write all the type definitions and all the data conversion and data handling functions on your own. To keep that effort low you use those packages you need. So its simple: in your design you use those libraries you need. When you want to convert an integer to a vector, then you either invoike the old fashioned std_logic_arith packages or the numeric_std package. But it is no good solution to think: "I invoke all of all possible packages I can find!", because then you will encounter curious errors and strange behavior now and then... So its simple: in your design you use those libraries you need. And no more else!
Edited by Moderator
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