
Forum: µC & Digital Electronics Where is the Thermometer Project

von Thermometerbuilder (Guest)

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Where is topic #444006 - Principle of a digital thermometer?
I just startet to get the parts and build the thermometer and now the 
topic is gone. Whats wrong?

von Test (Guest)

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Thermometerbuilder wrote:
> Whats wrong?

It was pure advertising for a link in the description. Source code was 
not provided so building this project would be a very dumb idea. Please 
stop bullshitting this forum.

von Thermometerbuilder (Guest)

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Test wrote:
> stop bullshitting this forum.

Watch your language.
Now i have lots of parts and the building description is gone.
Thanks. This is really a great forum. I will recommend it to others.

von John (Guest)

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Topic #444006 was just spam.
Some idiot just copied the description and put a link to his webside in 

As 'Test (Guest)' already said:
It was pure advertising for a link in the description.

Here is the webside it was copied from:

This should help.

von Thermometerbuilder (Guest)

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von Dr. Sommer (Guest)

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Besides, that's really old technology. If you use a more modern MCU, you 
wouldn't have to bother with external ADC's and assembly programming. 
You could even add calculation code for calibrating the result - without 
that, 1°C accuracy is doubtful.

von georg (Guest)

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Thermometerbuilder wrote:
> Now i have lots of parts and the building description is gone.

Maybe it is a good idea to first copy construction data to the own PC 
and then buy parts to build it?

It is not true that the internet never forgets anything. Especially such 
many years old data can and will be removed without warning.


von S. Landolt (Guest)

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That's good advice - you turn around, and something has changed or 
disappeared (sometimes even the truth, not only in '1984').

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