Hello , the smallest component is a halfadder, but its not implemented
in the example bellow,
where do i add the code of the half adder
1 | sum <= a xor b ;
2 | carry <= a and b ;
1 | --top module(full adder) entity declaration
2 | entity fulladder is
3 | port (a : in std_logic;
4 | b : in std_logic;
5 | cin : in std_logic;
6 | sum : out std_logic;
7 | carry : out std_logic
8 | );
9 | end fulladder;
10 | --top module architecture declaration.
11 | architecture behavior of fulladder is
12 | --sub-module(half adder) is declared as a component before the keyword "begin".
13 | component halfadder
14 | port(
15 | a : in std_logic;
16 | b : in std_logic;
17 | sum : out std_logic;
18 | carry : out std_logic
19 | );
20 | end component;
21 | --All the signals are declared here,which are not a part of the top module.
22 | --These are temporary signals like 'wire' in Verilog.
23 | signal s1,c1,c2 : std_logic:='0';
24 |
25 | begin
26 | --instantiate and do port map for the first half adder.
27 | HA1 : halfadder port map (
28 | a => a,
29 | b => b,
30 | sum => s1,
31 | carry => c1
32 | );
33 | --instantiate and do port map for the second half adder.
34 | HA2 : halfadder port map (
35 | a => s1,
36 | b => cin,
37 | sum => sum,
38 | carry => c2
39 | );
40 | carry <= c1 or c2; --final carry calculation
41 |
42 | end;