Hi, I have done a TB in Verilog with a selfcheck loop and I have 2 registers where I compare the expected and actual output value: reg [MODULES:0] count_comp(expected), count(actual value); Because the output from the UUT is registered, I am expecting 1 Clock PERIOD delay but from the simulation I got 2 PERIODS and Undefined signal. The module is testing a "unsigned" adder with 4 bits Any idea why I get the StX values after the Enable signal goes High? And why there are 2 clock periods delay between the expected and actual signal? TB self-check coding below always begin for ( i=0; i < LOOP; i = i + 1 ) begin for (b=0; b < LOOP; b = b + 1) begin in1 = i; in2 = b; count_comp = in1 + in2; #PERIOD; count = {carry, sum}; if (count != count_comp) begin $display ("Error at time %d", $time); $display ("Expected value: %d, Value calculated: %d", count_comp, count);
I suggest you give us a better piece of code, even verilog requires at least a 'end' for 'if'/'for'/'begin'
Remove the clock from your adder. Try to gather the result a split second earlier. Otherwise it is somehow random, which block is executed first.
1 | count_comp = in1 + in2; |
2 | #PERIOD-1;
3 | count = {carry, sum}; |
4 | if (count != count_comp) begin |
5 | $display ("Error at time %d", $time); |
6 | $display ("Expected value: %d, Value calculated: |
7 | %d", count_comp, count); |
8 | #1;
Show your full code, including the adder!
Sorry for having posted a sort piece of code before, I am a newbie with Forums and posting. Bellow is my full testbench in Verilog The Adder is an unsigned adder in VHDL. looking at the code, I would believe the only time the output values are registered (s and cy_out) is at the "Funct_NbitsAdder" module. So that, I was expecting to see 1 PERIOD delay between the calculated and the actual output value. In fact , the value "sum" from the TB which it is defined as a wire, has the expected delay of a PERIOD ( this is the actual output from the "Funct_NbitsAdder". When that value is concatenated in the reg "comp" signal, the value has 2 PERIOD delay. Is this due to the fact that reg definition works as a register and updates the values at the next clokc period? If so, I have also tried to define "reg [MODULES:0] count_comp, count;" as a wires -> "wire [MODULES:0] count_comp, count;" but the tool gave me an error during compilation.
1 | module tb_SignAdder(); |
2 | |
3 | parameter PERIOD = 10; // 10 ns -> 100MHz |
4 | parameter MODULES = 4; // N number of adders/bits |
5 | parameter LOOP = 2**MODULES; // Max loop iterations |
6 | |
7 | |
8 | reg [MODULES-1:0] in1; |
9 | reg [MODULES-1:0] in2; |
10 | reg cy_in; |
11 | reg clk; |
12 | reg en,rst; |
13 | wire [MODULES-1:0] sum; |
14 | wire carry; |
15 | integer i,b; |
16 | reg [MODULES:0] count_comp, count; |
17 | |
18 | |
19 | |
20 | |
21 | //Specify the VHDL architecture with the whole definition : <lib>.<module>.<architecture> |
22 | \xil_defaultlib.Funct_NbitsAdder(num_usigned) #(MODULES) uut ( |
23 | .a(in1), |
24 | .b(in2), |
25 | .cy_in(cy_in), |
26 | .clk(clk), |
27 | .en(en), |
28 | .rst(rst), |
29 | .s(sum), |
30 | .cy_out(carry) ); |
31 | |
32 | // Init & Test En |
33 | initial begin |
34 | $display("----------------------\n %d Bit Full-Adder\n----------------------\n", MODULES); |
35 | // Initialization of stimulus |
36 | in1 = 0; in2 = 0; cy_in = 0; clk= 1; en = 0; rst = 1; |
37 | #PERIOD rst = 0; |
38 | #(PERIOD*3) en = 1; |
39 | end
40 | |
41 | // Clock signal generation |
42 | always
43 | #(PERIOD/2) clk = ~clk; |
44 | |
45 | //Asyn process with input stimulus |
46 | always begin |
47 | for ( i=0; i < LOOP; i = i + 1 ) begin |
48 | for (b=0; b < LOOP; b = b + 1) begin |
49 | in1 = i; |
50 | in2 = b; |
51 | count_comp = in1 + in2; |
52 | #PERIOD; |
53 | count = {carry, sum}; |
54 | if (count != count_comp) begin |
55 | $display ("Error at time %d", $time); |
56 | $display ("Expected value: %d, Value calculated: %d", count_comp, count); |
57 | end
58 | end
59 | end
60 | end
61 | endmodule
With the Adder being represented by a unsigned module in VHDL
1 | entity Funct_NbitsAdder is |
2 | generic ( numbits : integer := 2); |
3 | |
4 | Port ( a : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (numbits-1 downto 0):= (others=>'0'); |
5 | b : in std_logic_vector (numbits-1 downto 0):= (others=>'0'); |
6 | cy_in : in std_logic:='0'; |
7 | clk : in std_logic:='0'; |
8 | en : in std_logic:='0'; |
9 | rst : in std_logic:='0'; |
10 | s : out std_logic_vector (numbits-1 downto 0); |
11 | cy_out : out std_logic); |
12 | end Funct_NbitsAdder; |
13 | |
14 | -------------------------------
15 | --- Unsigned addition!! -------
16 | -------------------------------
17 | architecture num_usigned of Funct_NbitsAdder is |
18 | signal sum : unsigned (numbits downto 0):= (others=>'0'); |
19 | signal carry_out : unsigned (numbits downto 0):= (others=>'0'); |
20 | constant zero : unsigned (numbits-1 downto 0):= (others =>'0'); |
21 | |
22 | begin
23 | --Synchronous Reset and Enable
24 | reg_outputs: process (clk) |
25 | begin
26 | if (clk'event and clk='1') then |
27 | if (rst='1') then |
28 | s<=(others =>'0'); |
29 | cy_out <= '0'; |
30 | elsif (en='1') then |
31 | carry_out <= zero & cy_in; |
32 | sum <= ('0' & unsigned(a)) + ('0' & unsigned(b))+ carry_out; |
33 | s <= std_logic_vector(sum(numbits-1 downto 0)); |
34 | cy_out <= sum(numbits); |
35 | else
36 | s <= (others =>'0'); |
37 | cy_out <= '0'; |
38 | end if; |
39 | end if; |
40 | end process; |
41 | end num_usigned; |
Blas M. wrote: > --- Unsigned addition!! ------- An addition is a completely combinatorial job. Why do you invoke a clock there?
Lothar M. wrote: > An addition is a completely combinatorial job. Why do you invoke a clock > there? I agree. Blas M. wrote: > Is this due to the fact that reg definition works as a register and > updates the values at the next clokc period? No, it is not the definition as reg. It is the description of a clocked (registered) process in the adder: "if (clk'event and clk='1') then" The second clock cycle might be a race condition. After #PERIOD the signals in1, in2 and clk are changing. But in which order? If clk changes first, the adder is executed with the old values. After that the new values are applied to the adder and the next wait-Period follows. Change the testbench, that clk and the singlas are not changing in the same moment!
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