1 | procedure CNT (variable X : in bit_vector (0 to 2);
2 | variable N, Z : out bit_vector (0 to 1));
3 | CNT (Z => M_V, X => K_V, N => L_V);
How can an objects M_V, K_V, L_V be declared?
what kind of type should they be?
1 | procedure receive (signal data : in bit; signal clock : in bit;
2 | buffer : out array);
3 | receive (recovered_data, racovered_clock, packet_array);
How can an objects recovered_data, racovered_clock, packet_array be
what kind of type should they be?
1 | procedure increment (a : inout word32; by : in word32 := X"0000_0001");
2 | increment (a => open, by => word);
How can an object word be declared?
what values will the parameters a and by receive at the specified access
to the procedure?
1 | function limit (value, min, max : integer) return integer;
2 | new_speed := old_speed + scale_factor * limit (error, min_value, +10);
How can an objects error, min_value be declared?
what values will the parameters value, min, max with the specified use
of the function?