1 | library ieee;
2 | use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
3 | use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;
4 | entity req is
5 | port(fpga_clk: in std_logic;
6 | evt_pwr_en: in std_logic;
7 | ifc_we_n : inout std_logic;
8 | hreset_n : inout std_logic;
9 | pwr_rst_n : in std_logic;
10 | ifc_ad8_15 : inout std_logic_vector( 7 downto 0);
11 | sensevdd_en_n : out std_logic;
12 | iopwr_en : out std_logic;
13 | iopwr_en_n : out std_logic;
14 | ddrpwr_en : out std_logic;
15 | ddrpwr_en_n : out std_logic;
16 | vdd_en : out std_logic;
17 | vdd_en_n : out std_logic;
18 | vcore_en : out std_logic;
19 | evt_pwr_ok : out std_logic;
20 | v3v3_pgood: in std_logic);
21 | end req;
22 | architecture power of req is
23 | signal tier_cnt: std_logic_vector(19 downto 0);
24 | signal tier_cnt_int:std_logic;
25 | signal tier : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
26 | signal vcore_en_cnt: std_logic_vector(9 downto 0);
27 | signal pwr_gd_cnt : std_logic_vector(19 downto 0);
28 | signal pwr_ok_cnt: std_logic_vector(19 downto 0);
29 | signal rst_holf_f : std_logic;
30 | signal req_rst_r : std_logic;
31 | signal req_cop_trst_r : std_logic;
32 | signal cfg_egn_use0 : std_logic;
33 | signal cpu_rst_n : std_logic;
34 | signal pwr_rst_cnt : std_logic_vector(9 downto 0);
35 | signal rcw_config_word : std_logic_vector( 7 downto 0);
36 | begin
37 |
38 | pon_rst_n <= (pwr_rst_n when pwr_ok_cnt(19) = '1' else '1') when v3v3_pgood and pwr_gd_cnt(19) = '1' else pwr_rst_n;
39 |
40 | process(tier_cnt_int)
41 | begin
42 | if(rising_edge(tier_cnt_int)) then
43 | if(v3v3_pgood = '0') then
44 | tier_cnt(3 downto 0) <= "1111";
45 | else
46 | tier(3) <= tier(2);
47 | tier(2) <= tier(1);
48 | tier(1) <= tier(0);
49 | tier(0) <= evt_pwr_en;
50 | end if;
51 | end if;
52 | end process;
53 |
54 | process(fpga_clk)
55 | begin
56 | if(rising_edge(fpga_clk)) then
57 | if(v3v3_pgood = '0') then
58 | vcore_en_cnt <= (others => '0');
59 | else
60 | if(vcore_en_cnt > "0110000000") then
61 | vcore_en_cnt <= "1111111111";
62 | else
63 | vcore_en_cnt <= vcore_en_cnt + 1;
64 | end if;
65 | end if;
66 | end if;
67 | end process;
68 | process(fpga_clk)
69 | begin
70 | if(rising_edge(fpga_clk)) then
71 | if(v3v3_pgood = '0') then
72 | pwr_gd_cnt <= (others => '0');
73 | else
74 | if(pwr_gd_cnt > x"08000") then
75 | pwr_gd_cnt <= (others => '1');
76 | else
77 | pwr_gd_cnt <= pwr_gd_cnt + 1;
78 | end if;
79 | end if;
80 | end if;
81 | end process;
82 |
83 | process(fpga_clk)
84 | begin
85 | if(rising_edge (fpga_clk)) then
86 | if( (not(cpu_rst_n) or (rst_holf_f) or (hreset_n and (not(req_rst_r)) and req_cop_trst_r ))= '1') then
87 | cfg_egn_use0 <= ifc_we_n;
88 | end if;
89 | end if;
90 | end process;
91 |
92 | process(fpga_clk)
93 | begin
94 | if(rising_edge(fpga_clk)) then
95 | if(pwr_rst_n = '0') then
96 | rcw_config_word <= ifc_ad8_15;
97 | end if;
98 | end if;
99 | end process;
100 | end power;