hello, I'm a newbie in verilog and I'm trying to make a case statement
that when I introduce a data, it will give me another data depending on
the one introduced
1 | module cases(data_in, data_out2);
2 |
3 | parameter A = 8'h1C;
4 | parameter B = 8'h32;
5 | parameter C = 8'h21;
6 |
7 | input [7:0] data_in;
8 | output reg [7:0] data_out2;
9 |
10 | always@(data_in)
11 | begin
12 | case(data_in)
13 | A: data_out2 = 8'h41;
14 | B: data_out2 = 8'h42;
15 | C: data_out2 = 8'h43;
16 | endcase
17 | end
18 | endmodule
This is what I did, but so far it doesn't do anything, it just gives an
output without introducing data, it is displayed in a 7 segment display
and, it just gives the number 42.
Can anyone help me telling me the error?