Hello everyone I recently started coding in VHDL(code here is of T flip
flop) and I'm having an error which says "Process clocking is too
complex", and this is with the first code attached below and
surprisingly I the solution too. But I don't know how it worked, code
without error is Second code. I googled about the error for half hour
but couldn't find the satisfying reason. Please help.
First code:
1 | LIBRARY ieee;
2 | USE ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
3 |
4 | ENTITY t_ff IS
5 | PORT(t,clk,rst:IN STD_LOGIC;
6 | q,q_bar:OUT STD_LOGIC);
7 | END t_ff;
8 |
9 | ARCHITECTURE t_ff OF t_ff IS
10 | SIGNAL temp: STD_LOGIC;
11 | BEGIN
12 | PROCESS(clk,rst)
13 | BEGIN
14 | IF(clk='1' AND clk'event)THEN
15 | IF(t='1')THEN temp<= NOT temp;
16 | END IF;
17 | ELSIF(rst='1')THEN temp<='0';
18 | END IF;
19 | q<= temp;
20 | q_bar<= NOT temp;
22 | END t_ff;
Second code:
1 | LIBRARY ieee;
2 | USE ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
3 |
4 | ENTITY t_ff IS
5 | PORT(t,clk,rst:IN STD_LOGIC;
6 | q,q_bar:OUT STD_LOGIC);
7 | END t_ff;
8 |
9 | ARCHITECTURE t_ff OF t_ff IS
10 | SIGNAL temp: STD_LOGIC;
11 | BEGIN
12 | PROCESS(clk,rst)
13 | BEGIN
14 | IF(rst='1')THEN temp<='0';
15 | ELSIF(clk='1' AND clk'event)THEN
16 | IF(t='1')THEN temp<= NOT temp;
17 | END IF;
18 | END IF;
19 | q<= temp;
20 | q_bar<= NOT temp;
22 | END t_ff;