Hi , Can you help me to write the vhdl file for next delivery? Design and implement a circuit that successively flashes digits from 0 to 9 on the 7-segment display HEX0. Each digit should be displayed for about one second. Use a counter to determine the one-second interval. The counter should be incremented by the 50 MHz clock signal provided on the DE2 board (CLOCK_50 input signal, to be managed as a clock input coming from the external world). Do not derive any other clock signals in your design; make sure that all the flipflops in your circuit are clocked directly by the 50 MHz clock signal.
Ber 2. wrote: > Can you help me to write the vhdl file for next delivery? Show what you have, then maybe one will help you. But I don't think anyone is going to do your homework completely...
Lothar M. wrote: > Ber 2. wrote: >> Can you help me to write the vhdl file for next delivery? > Show what you have, then maybe one will help you. > But I don't think anyone is going to do your homework completely...
1 | library ieee; |
2 | use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; |
3 | |
4 | entity flashing_LIGHTS is |
5 | port ( CLOCK_50, KEY0 : in std_logic; |
6 | HEX0 : out std_logic_vector(0 to 6)); |
7 | end flashing_LIGHTS; |
8 | |
9 | architecture semi_behavioral of flashing_LIGHTS is |
10 | |
11 | component counter_4bit is |
12 | port( |
13 | enable,clk,clear:in std_logic; |
14 | Q: buffer std_logic_vector(3 downto 0)); |
15 | end component; |
16 | |
17 | component segment_7_decoder is |
19 | B :OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 TO 6)); |
20 | end component; |
21 | |
22 | signal count_enable, clock, reset : std_logic; |
23 | signal count : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); |
24 | |
25 | begin
26 | |
27 | clock<=CLOCK_50; |
28 | reset <= KEY0; |
29 | |
30 | clock_counter: process (clock, reset) |
31 | variable count : integer range 0 to 49999999; |
32 | begin
33 | if reset = '1' then |
34 | count := 0; |
35 | count_enable<='0'; |
36 | elsif clock'event and clock='1' then |
37 | if count = 49999999 then |
38 | count_enable<='1'; |
39 | count:=0; |
40 | else
41 | count := count+1; |
42 | count_enable<='0'; |
43 | end if; |
44 | end if; |
45 | end process; |
46 | |
47 | counter: counter_4bit port map |
48 | (count_enable, clock, reset or (count(3) and count(0)), count); |
49 | |
50 | RAPP: segment_7_decoder port map(count, HEX0); |
51 | end semi_behavioral; |
Edited by Moderator
Lothar M. wrote: > Show what you have Why not implementing the 4 bit counter simplay as a counter from 0 to 9 in the flashing_LIGHTS entity?
1 | library ieee; |
2 | use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; |
3 | |
4 | entity flashing_LIGHTS is |
5 | port ( CLOCK_50, KEY0 : in std_logic; |
6 | HEX0 : out std_logic_vector(0 to 6)); |
7 | end flashing_LIGHTS; |
8 | |
9 | architecture semi_behavioral of flashing_LIGHTS is |
10 | |
11 | signal count : integer range 0 to 9 := 0; |
12 | signal countsec : integer range 0 to 49999999 := 0; |
13 | |
14 | begin
15 | |
16 | clock<=CLOCK_50; |
17 | reset <= KEY0; |
18 | |
19 | clock_counter: process (CLOCK_50, reset) |
20 | begin
21 | if reset = '1' then |
22 | count_enable<='0'; |
23 | elsif clock'event and clock='1' then |
24 | if countsec = 49999999 then -- one second is gone |
25 | countsec <= 0; |
26 | if count<9 then -- each second: increment the digit counter |
27 | count <= count+1; |
28 | else
29 | count <= 0; |
30 | end if; |
31 | else
32 | countsec <= count+1; |
33 | end if; |
34 | end if; |
35 | end process; |
36 | |
37 | HEX0 <= "1111110" when count=0 else |
38 | "0110000" when count=1 else |
39 | ...
40 | "1111111" when count=8 else |
41 | "1110011"; -- count=9 |
42 | |
43 | end semi_behavioral; |
If you must use those 2 components counter_4bit and segment_7_decoder, then you will have to rip out the corresponding lines of code and put them in their own entities... BTW: Have a look at the few lines above the reply edit box:
1 | Reply |
2 | Rules — please read before posting |
3 | Post long source code as attachment, not in the text |
4 | ... |
5 | Formatting options |
6 | ... |
7 | [vhdl]VHDL code[/vhdl] |
8 | ... |
So pls attach VHDL code as *.vhdl file or use the [vhdl] tokens further on.
Edited by Moderator
1 | module Lab_6 (SW,CLOCK_50,Qa,Qb,HEX0,HEX1,HEX2,HEX3,HEX4,HEX5); |
2 | input [1:0] SW; |
3 | input CLOCK_50; |
4 | output reg [25:0] Qa; |
5 | output reg [7:0] Qb; |
6 | output [6:0] HEX0,HEX1,HEX2,HEX3,HEX4,HEX5; |
7 | |
8 | always @ (posedge CLOCK_50) |
9 | begin |
10 | if (!SW[0]) |
11 | Qa <= 0; |
12 | else if (SW[1]) |
13 | Qa <= Qa + 1; |
14 | else |
15 | Qa <= Qa; |
16 | |
17 | if (&Qa) |
18 | Qb <= Qb + 1; |
19 | else |
20 | Qb <= Qb; |
21 | |
22 | end |
23 | |
24 | decoder D0 (Qb[3:0],HEX0); |
25 | decoder D1 (Qb[7:4],HEX1); |
26 | |
27 | assign HEX2 = 7'b1111111; |
28 | assign HEX3 = 7'b1111111; |
29 | assign HEX4 = 7'b1111111; |
30 | assign HEX5 = 7'b1111111; |
31 | |
32 | endmodule |
33 | |
34 | |
35 | module decoder (in,disp); |
36 | input [3:0] in; |
37 | output reg [6:0] disp; |
38 | |
39 | always @ (*) |
40 | case (in) |
41 | 4'h0 : disp = 7'b1000000; |
42 | 4'h1 : disp = 7'b1111001; |
43 | 4'h2 : disp = 7'b0100100; |
44 | 4'h3 : disp = 7'b0110000; |
45 | 4'h4 : disp = 7'b0011001; |
46 | 4'h5 : disp = 7'b0010010; |
47 | 4'h6 : disp = 7'b0000010; |
48 | 4'h7 : disp = 7'b1111000; |
49 | 4'h8 : disp = 7'b0000000; |
50 | 4'h9 : disp = 7'b0010000; |
51 | 4'hA : disp = 7'b0001000; |
52 | 4'hB : disp = 7'b0000011; |
53 | 4'hC : disp = 7'b1000110; |
54 | 4'hD : disp = 7'b0100001; |
55 | 4'hE : disp = 7'b0000110; |
56 | 4'hF : disp = 7'b0001110; |
57 | endcase |
Edited by Moderator
Farheen wrote:
1 | utput reg [25:0] Qa; |
2 | output reg [7:0] Qb; |
3 | : |
4 | always @ (posedge CLOCK_50) |
5 | : |
6 | Qa <= Qa + 1; |
7 | : |
8 | if (&Qa) |
9 | Qb <= Qb + 1; |
This requirement is not satisfied: Ber 2. wrote: > Each digit should be displayed for about one second. Because the 25 Bit counter a is counting only 2**25 = 33554432 cycles and therefore the display time is only 670ms per digit.
Edited by Moderator
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