
Forum: FPGA, VHDL & Verilog control logic for memory selection

von felix89 (Guest)

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Hi members,

I have 4 different memories of same depth and width.

so i have a write logic with which i can select memory with 2 bit 
control signal.. also I am generating address signals depending on my 
memory selection.

problem: i can write to next memory only when i complete writing all 
memory locations of 1st memory...i.e i should sample my next control 
signal only when i finish all memory locations of first memory

eg:if control  signal is 00 memory1 is selected and my address counter 
starts counting from 000 to 111 (data also sent in parellel)...once 
complete....then sample next control signal for writing memory2...

von Lothar M. (Company: Titel) (lkmiller) (Moderator)

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felix89 wrote:
> problem: ...
Major problem for an answer is: unknown code and unknown target.

But as far as I see, theres no answer necessary because there's no 
question... :-o

von felix89 (Guest)

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port(ctrl:in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
     addr:out std_logic_vector(2 downto 0));

addr1, addr2,addr3,addr4:std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);



when 00 =>addr <= var1;
when 01 =>addr <= var2;
when 10 =>addr <= var3;
when 11 =>addr <= var4;

end case

end process;

here address is generated for four different memories depending on ctrl 
signal...question is i need a logic such that ill sample the next 
control signal only when all addresses for previous control signal is 
generated....ie if i select ctrl to be 00 then addr counts from 000 to 
even if ctrl changes in between it does not matter..

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