1 | Library IEEE;
2 | Use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL;
5 |
6 | Entity keypad_input is
7 | Port( clk : in std_logic;
8 | col_line : in std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
9 | row_line : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
10 | Number : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0));
11 | End keypad_input;
12 |
13 |
14 | Architecture Behavior of keypad_input is
15 | signal sig_c : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0):= "000";
16 | signal sig_r : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0):= "0001" ;
17 | signal num : std_logic_VECTOR (3 DOWNTO 0);
18 | Signal C0 : std_logic_vector (2 downto 0):= "000";
19 | Signal C1 : std_logic_vector (2 downto 0):= "000";
20 | Signal C2 : std_logic_vector (2 downto 0):= "000";
21 |
22 | begin
23 |
24 | -- send signal to rows of keypad --
25 | process (clk) is
26 | Begin
27 | If (clk 'event and clk = '0') then
28 | sig_r <= sig_r(0) & sig_r(3 downto 1);
29 | end if;
30 | end process;
31 | row_line <= sig_r;
32 |
33 | debounce: process (clk,sig_c,col_line) is
34 | Begin
35 | If (Clk 'event and Clk = '1') then
36 | C0 <= C0(1 downto 0) & Col_line(0);
37 | C1 <= C1(1 downto 0) & Col_line(1);
38 | C2 <= C2(1 downto 0) & Col_line(2);
39 | end if;
40 |
41 | sig_c(0) <= C0(0) and C0(1) and (not C0(2));
42 | sig_c(1) <= C1(0) and C1(1) and (not C1(2));
43 | sig_c(2) <= C2(0) and C2(1) and (not C2(2));
44 |
45 | End process;
46 |
47 | -- read debounces signals --
48 | input: Process (num, sig_r, sig_c) is
49 | begin
50 | if sig_r = "0001" then
51 | if sig_c(0) = '1' then
52 | num <= "1110"; -- e
53 | elsif sig_c(1) = '1' then
54 | num <= "0000"; -- 0
55 | elsif sig_c (2) = '1' then
56 | num <= "1010"; -- a
57 | else null;
58 | end if;
59 |
60 | elsif sig_r = "0010" then
61 | if sig_c(0) = '1' then
62 | num <= "0011"; -- 3
63 | elsif sig_c(1) = '1' then
64 | num <= "0010"; -- 2
65 | elsif sig_c (2) = '1' then
66 | num <= "0001"; -- 1
67 | else null;
68 | end if;
69 |
70 | elsif sig_r = "0100" then
71 | if sig_c(0) = '1' then
72 | num <= "0110"; -- 6
73 | elsif sig_c(1) = '1' then
74 | num <= "0101"; -- 5
75 | elsif sig_c (2) = '1' then
76 | num <= "0100"; -- 4
77 | else null;
78 | end if;
79 |
80 | elsif sig_r = "1000" then
81 | if sig_c(0) = '1' then
82 | num <= "1001"; -- 9
83 | elsif sig_c(1) = '1' then
84 | num <= "1000"; -- 8
85 | elsif sig_c (2) = '1' then
86 | num <= "0111"; -- 7
87 | else null;
88 | end if;
89 | end if;
90 | end process;
91 | number <= num;
92 |
93 | end Behavior;