Hello everybody! I need some help. I use VHDL language and ModelSim PE
Student Edition. I nade to build some elementary gates: not, or, xor,
and, mux mux, dmux, 16 bit variants not16 and16 and multiway variants
mux8way16 etc from nand gates. I made some schematics on paper and
logic. Ex. Not imp. Nand : (a Nand b) Nand (a Nand b).
My first gate i want to buils is Not gate. (a nand a), for this i make
this code:
1 | library IEEE;
2 | use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
3 |
4 | entity noot is
5 | port (a : in std_logic;
6 | cout : out std_logic
7 | );
8 | end noot;
9 |
10 | architecture behavior of noot is
11 | component naand
12 | port(
13 | a1 : in std_logic;
14 | b1 : in std_logic;
15 | );
16 | end component;
17 |
18 | NA1 : naand port map (
19 | a1 =>a,
20 | b1 =>a,
21 | out1 => cout
22 | );
so here is my problem, how i can do the function of nand?
it was simple to write:
but i want later to add more nand gates in separate bloks
i try with signal
1 | signal s1, s2 : std_logic := '0'; or without ":= '0'"
2 | NA1 : naand port map (
3 | a1 =>s1,
4 | b1 =>s2,
5 | out1 => cout => s1 nand s2
6 | );
How i can make this to work?
This is schematic of wat i want:
1 |
3 | ____________________________
4 | | ________ |
5 | | _____| \ |
6 | a | / | \ | cout
7 | -----------|----= | NAND |-----|-------
8 | | \_____| / |
9 | | |________/ |
10 | |____________________________|