First have a look at the attached sreenshot...
> but clearly it dosent work...
And HOW did you see that?
Did you do a SIMULATION?
What ERROR messages or WARNINGS did you get?
And why do you ignore them all?
In fact the problem here is the well known and famous "combinatorial
as long as key0 is 1 and moda is 0 the countera is counting upwards
without any clock at maximum and random speed:
1 | elsif (key0 ='1') and moda='0' then
2 | countera<= countera+"00001" ;
Try Google translator on that:
Let me ask you: where did you see this structure in literature?
1 | begin process ( resetN key0, clk)
2 | begin
3 | if resetN = '0' then
4 | ...
5 | elsif (key0 ='1') and moda='0' then
6 | ...
7 | elsif (rising_edge(clk)) then
8 | ...
9 | end if;
There's only one way to desrcibe a synchronous process:
1 | begin process ( resetN, clk)
2 | begin
3 | if resetN = '0' then
4 | ...
5 | elsif (rising_edge(clk)) then
6 | ...
7 | end if;
Beside the whole things above: the sensitivity list is incomplete, moda
ist missing. Therefore a simulation will show wrong results...
BTW: congratulations to use the 1-process-FSM. You are a big step
further than in the thread