
Forum: FPGA, VHDL & Verilog 8 bit serial to parallel

von Rushin thakkar (Guest)

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i want to convert 8 bit serial data into 8 bit parallel data my code is 

library IEEE;
use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all;

entity PAR2SER is
         din : in STD_LOGIC;
         clk : in STD_LOGIC;
         reset : in STD_LOGIC;
         dout : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(7 downto 0)
end PAR2SER;

architecture sipo_behavior_arc of PAR2SER is

     sipo : process (clk,din,reset) is
    variable s : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) := "00000000" ;
        if (reset='1') then
            s := "00000000";
        elsif (rising_edge (clk)) then
            s := (din & s(7 downto 1));
        end if;
        dout <= s;
    end process sipo;

end sipo_behavior_arc ;

but i am not getting correct data. here image is i have uploaded

von Klakx (Guest)

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is this the behavioral simulation or the simulation of the netlist? how 
about posting the testbench? the waveforms looking strange

von Achim S. (Guest)

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the waveform looks somewhat strange cause the simulation includes 
timing: the individual bits of dout switch with some delay with respect 
to the positive CLK-edge (~6ns .. 8ns). If one takes this delay in 
consideration and looks at dout only at the "next" rsising CLK-edge, 
then dout toggles between xAA and x55 - just as it should when din 
toggles with every CLK-cycle.

One thing I do not understand is, that dout as std_logic_vector is 
displayed as "uninitialized" every other CLK-cycle - though each 
individual bit of the std_logic_vector is showing a well defined logic 
value. Besides that the simu just shows, what one should expect from the 
given description.

(By the way: Ser2Par would be a much more appropriate name for this 
component than Par2Ser)

von Lothar M. (Company: Titel) (lkmiller) (Moderator)

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Rushin thakkar wrote:
> but i am not getting correct data.
For me the wavrform looks fine: in the shift register is "01010101" or 
"10101010" at the rising edge of clk. What could you expect instead?

BTW: do a behavioural simulation instead of this post route timing 
simulation. It makes things much easier and more obvious...

Achim S. wrote:
> One thing I do not understand is, that dout as std_logic_vector is
> displayed as "uninitialized" every other CLK-cycle - though each
> individual bit of the std_logic_vector is showing a well defined logic
> value.
That looks really kind of strange...

von P. K. (pek)

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Achim S. wrote:
> One thing I do not understand is, that dout as std_logic_vector is
> displayed as "uninitialized" every other CLK-cycle - though each
> individual bit of the std_logic_vector is showing a well defined logic
> value. Besides that the simu just shows, what one should expect from the
> given description.

I assume that this is kind of enumerated display of the value. "U" the 
corresponds to x"55", "m" to x"6D". Values x"80" and above are shown as 

von Achim S. (Guest)

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oh man, you're right: dout is displayed as ASCII-Character, and 
non-printable chars are schown as decimal numbers. A strange setting, 
but then every aspect of the simulation does show the expected result.

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