Hello, I want to describe in VHDL a generator parallel 4 bits to serial 1 bit. Indeed, at each clock edge (250 kHz), we take only one bit starting with the least significant bit (LSB). Example: Input = "0101" (over 4 bits) So at first clock edge, output = '1' (LSB) Second clock edge, output = '0' Third clock edge, output = '1' Fourth clock edge, output = '0' (MSB) There's someone there who can help me? And thank you
issam sassi wrote: > There's someone there who can help me? You should have a look for a preloadable shift register. Indeed your exercise is do simple, that it will loosely fit in 10 lines of VHDL code... issam sassi wrote: > There's someone there who can help me? Some questions should be answered before: Where's the clock coming from? Are there only and exactly 4 clock edges? How may the shift register know, that there is new data ready to be transmitted?
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