Hi! This is the first time I have ever worked with FPGA and VHDL. I am trying to connect a PC with a FPGA to control two led matrices using buffered memory. So I was wondering if RAM or FIFO would be best for this? Sorry for my English not my native language..
To connect your FPGA to a PC you need a Interface (RS-232 USB Firewire / Ethernet). Which one you choose depends mainly on your knowledge and your requirements in terms of data throughput. RAM is a special type of memory. No FPGA has one, it must be connected externally. Maybe you have a development board which has RAM on board. FIFO is not a memory. FIFO is a memory model which says, that data that comes in first, will be processed first. This ist not a memory. A FIFO manages your data (e.g. in RAM) in a certain way.
Moi Fener wrote: > I am trying to connect a PC with a FPGA to control two led matrices > using buffered memory. So I was wondering if RAM or FIFO would be best > for this? Go one step back. And then start with the most simple application on a FPGA: a blinking LED, the "hello world!" of hardware. After that implement a chasing light, then a RS232 interface, then try to control your matrix LEDs, then generate a running pattern on the matrix, then display the pattern into RAM and display it And so step after step you will reach your desired destination. But not by tricking around with FIFO and RAM at this point of the design. Peter wrote: > RAM is a special type of memory. No FPGA has one, it must be connected > externally. Every FPGA has RAM inside. More: usually its DualPorted RAM inside... Moi Fener wrote: > So I was wondering if RAM or FIFO would be best for this? Just a little hint: I would not need a FIFO for this application. The DualPort RAM inside the FPGA is perfect good for the job. > control two led matrices How big? And what means "to control" them? Showing a video?
Thank you for your reply! I am basically trying to send data from the Computer using a serial port. The matrices are 2 8x8. Trying to write something on the matrices.
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